Learning HTML 3.2 by Examples
Jukka Korpela


To whom?

This document is intended for people who have an idea of what the World Wide Web is and who produce, or intend to produce, information onto the Web. If HTML is something new to you, you will have to study some introductory texts (eg those mentioned in this document) before you can really take in this document. On the other hand, some people who "know HTML" may need to un-learn something, to convert from nonstandard HTML to standard.

About what?

This document discusses HTML 3.2, which is currently the most recommendable version of the document description language HTML used on the Web. It is also known under the code name Wilbur. People who have used HTML 3.0 should notice that HTML 3.2 is not an extension or a variant of HTML 3.0, which has now been withdrawn. (The version numbers 3.0 and 3.2 are misleading!) More exactly, HTML 3.2 contains

Why should you learn HTML?

It is possible to provide information on the Web without knowing the HTML language, since HTML can be produced by various specialized editors and converters. This document, however, was written for people who write HTML directly or at least occasionally check and modify HTML code. There are several good reasons to do so. Writing HTML directly isn't difficult - possibly it's easier than learning to use an HTML editor or converter. Moreover, the HTML editors and converters are often limited in their capabilities, or buggy, or produce bad HTML code which does not work on different platforms.

But why HTML 3.2?

The HTML language exists in several variants and continues to evolve, but the HTML 3.2 constructs will most probably be useable in the future, too. By learning HTML 3.2 and by sticking to it as far as possible, you can produce documents which can be browsed by a large variety of Web software now and in the future. This does not exclude the possibility of using other features, such as enhancements provided by Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer or some other product, if it really serves your purposes and you are willing to accept the consequences. But it is wise to adopt the habit of producing documents in a standardized language and using extensions only when really necessary.

HTML 3.2 has been defined by the World Wide Web Consortium. It is supported by several browsers to a large extent, and it will probably become the common basis understood by almost all relevant Web software. The next version, an extension to HTML 3.2, is being developed under the code name Cougar.

An older standard, HTML 2.0, is supported to an even larger extent, since HTML 3.2 is an extension of HTML 2.0, with a few omissions It might be a good idea to try to write your documents in HTML 2.0 if possible (avoiding HTML 2.0 features which have been left out in HTML 3.2: NEXTID elements and URN and METHODS attributes in A elements). For this reason, constructs (eg tags, tag attributes, or attribute values) which are legal HTML 3.2 but not HTML 2.0 are flagged in this document as follows: (Not in HTML 2.0!) Notice that even by sticking strictly to HTML 2.0 you cannot absolutely guarantee a proper rendering of your documents, since there are deficiencies in browser implementations. The HTML test set by Osma Ahvenlampi contains a large document RFC 1866 HTML 2.0 for testing a browser against the HTML 2.0 specification.

The scope of this document

This document provides material for a systematic study of HTML 3.2 starting from the basic structural features and illustrating them with examples. In addition it

This document does not discuss general issues on providing information on the Web. Information and opinions about such issues can be found eg on the World Wide Web Consortium pages. Notice that the World Wide Web FAQ is extensive but readable (although not always quite up-to-date), and it contains a separate section on Web authoring. A very valuable document containing answers to several practical problems is The Web Design Group's Web Authoring FAQ; the same applies to WDG's checklist for HTML authors, Frequently Encountered Problems: HTML. Probably the best general style guide is Style Guide for online hypertext by Tim Berners-Lee, the main creator of the Web. In addition to such issues, you need to know where to put your HTML document to make it accessible to the world; this may involve things like setting up directory and file protections suitably. Please consult your local Web support for information relevant at your site.

This document concentrates on basic HTML usage. In particular, this document does not give realistic examples about Java applets, client-side imagemaps, or forms. (The main reason for this is that the author felt that a basic document was urgently needed, and providing good examples about such complicated and somewhat controversial issues would have taken too much time.)

On the versions of this document

This document exists both as a collection of interlinked smaller HTML files and as a single HTML file. The master (most up-to-date) copies are at

For printing on paper, you may wish to use the PostScript version (generated from the HTML version with Netscape), which also exists in a much smaller form, as compressed (with the Unix compress utility).

Best viewed on...

Of course, this document complies with the HTML 3.2 specification, to the best knowledge of the author. No attempt has been made to "optimize" the document for presentation on some particular browser.

In general, you should be able to read this document on any decent WWW browser. However, tables (TABLE elements) have been used in this document, mainly in the description of attributes, since they are essentially tabular information best presented so. Unfortunately this means that parts of this document are almost illegible when viewed with browsers which cannot present tables (eg most versions of Lynx).

How to study HTML 3.2

Getting started with HTML in general

If you do not previously know HTML in any version, you should first read some introduction to the basic concepts and ideas behind HTML. Many people have found the NCSA Beginner's Guide to HTML very readable. But please notice that it describes HTML 2.0 and contains some controversial thoughts. It is available at http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Internet/WWW/HTMLPrimer.html

If you'd like to consider alternative introductions, please consult eg Yahoo!'s computer area, http://www.yahoo.com/Computers/, which contains, in its World Wide Web section, a list of guides and tutorials on HTML (in several languages).

Please notice that most introductory texts on HTML do not present the language exactly as defined by HTML 3.2. This is understandable, since the language HTML evolves rapidly (and even divergently).

Learning HTML 3.2 systematically

When you know the very basics of HTML in general, a suggested order of studying HTML 3.2 is the following:
  1. Read The obligatory structure of a document and The recommended structure of a document. You may wish to compare this information with The structure of an HTML 3.2 document on the Wilbur - HTML 3.2 pages at
    by the Web Design Group.
  2. Practise by creating an HTML document with the recommended structure but no contents so far; store this document under a name like template.html and use it as the basis for your HTML documents in the future; create a copy of it, add some plain text into the body and check that the document is readable using a Web browser.
  3. Read Fundamental structures in HTML 3.2, with examples of this document. Concentrate on studying (and possibly enjoying) the ideas and their application, not on memorizing technical details.
  4. Study the general remarks on the syntax of HTML in this document. You will need that information when writing HTML. However, you may at this phase ignore the subsection Miscellaneous notes
  5. Practise by creating useful HTML documents of your own, using the tags you have learned so far.
  6. Browse through the short descriptions part of this document, to get a picture of what is available in HTML 3.2, and following the links to get more information about elements that seem potentially useful to you.
  7. Then the world is open to further practising and studying. But beware: there are false prophets and a lot of misuse of HTML around. May the Structure be with you!

The official HTML 3.2 specification

When you have doubts about the exact form, meaning, and limitations of an HTML tag, you should consult the most official documents on HTML available: the World Wide Web Consortium documents at
especially the W3C Recommendation HTML 3.2 Reference Specification

The specification is relatively short and technical, and consulting the older HTML 2.0 specification (also known as RFC 1866) can be useful, since the current HTML 3.2 specifications can sometimes be understood only be assuming HTML 2.0 as the base document.

In order to understand the specifications exactly, some fluency in reading SGML (the metalanguage used to describe the syntax of HTML formally) is required; consult the SGML pages of the Consortium or Gentle Introduction to SGML or The SGML Web Page, especially The SGML PRIMER by SoftQuad. (If you know Finnish, you can start from Hyvin lyhyt johdatus SGML:ään instead.)

There are some minor internal inconsistencies in the HTML 3.2 specification.

Additional sources of information

There is a large number of good documents on HTML authoring in general, but the following list mentions just some sources of information on HTML 3.2 in particular: Notice that documents on HTML (even some of the above-mentioned) may contain information about features which do not belong to HTML 3.2.

Checking your HTML

When you have started creating and maintaining important HTML documents, you should learn to use validation software, ie programs which checks your HTML code against the HTML 3.2 (or some other) specifications. Even if you know HTML 3.2, you will by mistake violate the specification; for instance, just forgetting an ending quote can cause a lot of such violations. You may not notice the error in your environment but your readers may get confused. Therefore, validate your code. You can use eg HTML Validation Service of WebTechs. (It is easy to use, but remember to select HTML 3.2, since the default specification against which it checks is still HTML 2.0.)

General remarks on the syntax of HTML

Character set

Formally, the character set used in an HTML document shall In practise, you should use ISO Latin 1 characters only. Currently or in the near future you can hardly expect general support for extensions to it. Support for ISO Latin 1 should exist in all browsers, but there are problems even with this. You may of course decide to stick to the ASCII character set, which is a subset of ISO Latin 1, especially if you do not need letters with diacritic marks (or, in general, letters other than English a - z).

If your keyboard or text editor does not allow you to enter (ie to type directly) some ISO Latin 1 characters such as ä or ñ, you can use the character escape conventions.

Some practical warning to those who create HTML documents on microcomputers:

See also A. J. Flavell's Notes on ISO 8859-1 in the Web context.

HTML tags

An HTML tag consists of the following, in this order: Examples:

HTML elements

Most, but not all, HTML tags are paired so that that an opening tag is followed by the corresponding closing tag, and there can be text or tags between them, as in
In such cases the two tags and the part of the document enclosed by them forms a unit which is called HTML element. Some tags, eg <HR>, are HTML elements by themselves, and for them the corresponding end tag would be illegal. - In the sequel we will usually refer to tags by their name only, omitting the obligatory angle brackets.


For each tag, a set of possible attributes is defined. This set can be empty or rather large, but most tags accept one or a few attributes. In almost all cases the attributes are optional. An attribute specification consists of the following, in this order: It is always safe to enclose the attribute value in quotes, using either single quotes ('80') or double quotes ("80"), using matching quotes of course. The string in quotes must not contain the quote, so if the data contains a double quote, use single quotes for quoting, and vice versa. In general, using double quotes is preferable, since for the human eye single quotes are sometimes difficult to distinguish from other characters like accents.

You can also omit the quotes from an attribute value if the value consists of the following characters only (cf to the technical concept of name):

Thus, WIDTH=80 and ALIGN=CENTER are legal shorthands for WIDTH="80" and ALIGN="CENTER". A reference to an URL like HREF=foo.html is acceptable, but in general URL's must be quoted when used in attributes, eg HREF="http://www.hut.fi/". - Some browsers are more permissive. Some browsers may even accept elements with a starting quote but without any closing quote. Such use is very bad practise.

Within attribute values, no HTML tags are recognized. On the other hand, escape sequences are recognized and interpreted.

There is a minimized syntax for attributes when the attribute value is the same as the attribute name. For instance, <UL COMPACT="COMPACT"> can be abbreviated as <UL COMPACT> (and it is common practise to do so). Some user agents even require minization for some attributes (COMPACT, ISMAP, CHECKED, NOWRAP, NOSHADE, NOHREF), so perhaps it is best to use the minimized syntax when applicable.

Successive attribute specifications must be separated with blanks (or newlines).

Case sensitivity

As regards to tag and attribute names and most attribute values, HTML is case insensitive. You can, for example, type TITLE or Title or title or even tItLE if you like. (In this document, upper case letters are used; this may help the reader distinguish HTML code from normal text.) However, the following constructs are (in general) case sensitive:

Division into lines and the use of blanks and tabs

With the exception of text enclosed in PRE tags (preformatted text), blanks and newlines are not preserved when displaying the document. More technically, any sequence of blanks, tabs, and newlines is equivalent to a single blank in HTML file. On the other hand, a blank in the HTML file may be rendered using any number of empty space or replaced by newline(s).

The term newline is used to denote an end of line designation. Theoretically SGML specifies that a line (record) should begin with a record start character (linefeed, LF, ASCII code 10) and end with a record end character (carriage return, CR, ASCII code 13). In practise, HTML documents are presented and transmitted using a newline presentation convention of the computer system used. Therefore, HTML browsers are encouraged to accept any of the three common representations, namely CR LF sequence, CR only, and LF only as line separators and to infer the missing record end and start characters.

Thus, it does not matter how you divide the text into a lines, since a newline is equivalent to a blank. Notice, however, that you must not divide a word into two lines in HTML. If you eg divide the word international into two lines as follows:

it will be interpreted as equivalent to
inter- national
and the result is not what you want.

Thus, you must use HTML tags such as P or BR to force line breaks, if they are necessary for the logical representation of your document.

Browsers usually do not divide words into two lines, except possibly when a word contains a hyphen. The HTML 3.2 Reference Specification is not very explicit in this matter; it just says, in the discussion of tables, the following:

For some user agents it may be necessary or desirable to break text lines within words. In such cases a visual indication that this has occurred is advised.

Beware that the line length is outside your control. It depends on the browser, device, and settings used by the people who look at your document. You can force line breaks but not prevent line breaks between words, in general. (You can try to prevent line breaks by using non-breaking spaces.)

As regards to newlines in conjunction with HTML tags, there are special rules:

The horizontal tab character (HT) can appear in the HTML source. Within PRE elements, tabs have a special interpretation. Otherwise a tab is equivalent to a space. Thus, it does not imply tabulation of any kind. (In order to present tabular data, use the TABLE element.) It is best to avoid tabs in HTML code and to use a suitable number of spaces instead, if one wants to format the HTML source code into tabular form.

Classification of elements

The ways in which HTML tags can be combined are defined in terms of elements and their classification. It is much more convenient to define eg that an H1 element may contain (only) text elements than to give a long list of allowable elements, especially since the same list would appear in many contexts and it may change when new text elements are added to HTML in its future revisions.

Apart from the elements at the topmost levels, namely HTML, HEAD and BODY, the HTML elements are classified into three major categories:

Any text element (including plain text) can appear whereever a block element is allowed, by virtue of implicitly forming a paragraph (P element) when necessary.

A rule of thumb which may help in remembering which elements are block elements and which are text elements: block elements cause paragraph breaks, text elements do not.

Note: Often block elements can contain both text elements and other block elements, ie blocks can be nested. Text elements can be nested, too. On the other hand, text elements may not contain block elements. For example,
<CITE><H3>Origin of Species</H3></CITE>
is invalid (since CITE is text element and H3 is block element) and also illogical (you don't really mean that the heading as a structure is a citation, do you?) whereas
<H3><CITE>Origin of Species</CITE></H3>
would be legal, although different browsers might treat it differently (letting either H3 or CITE determine the rendering, or possibly using a mixture of the two). Similarly, don't embed headings into A NAME tags but vice versa. It is also illegal to have a paragraph break (P tag) within eg a STRONG element; although several browsers can handle it, the semantics is ambiguous and you should use separate start and end STRONG tags within each paragraph (if you really want to emphasize such large portions of text!).

Allowed nesting of elements

This section describes how elements may be nested in HTML 3.2. It does not describe the rules for the ordering or repeatability of elements. It simply answers questions of the form may element X appear within element Y?

The same information is presented in the individual tag descriptions, in their Allowed context and Contents parts. Here it is presented in a compact form. This form does not cover all details but might be more illustrative.


HTML In order to simplify element descriptions, I will use the term text container to denote any element which may contain a text element directly (as opposite to containing an element which contains a text element). The following elements are text containers:


The following are not text containers but may contain text elements indirectly, ie contain elements which are text containers:


The following may not contain text elements at all:


Similarly I will use the term block container to denote any element which may contain a block element directly (as opposite to containing an element which contains a block element). Block containers are: BLOCKQUOTE, BODY, CENTER, DD, DIV FORM HTML, LI (when within UL or OL), TD, TH,

Miscellaneous notes: about escape sequences (character entities), names, colors, widths, pixels, vertical alignment (VALIGN), non-breaking spaces (&nbsp;), comments

This subsection discusses some technical issues which are related to some HTML tags. Rather than presenting them in the descriptions of individual tags, they have been collected here. Please feel free to skip them in first reading, and consult them later when needed; the tag descriptions contain links to the relevant information here.

Escape sequences (character entities)

Escape sequences, more formally known as character entities, are a method of presenting special characters. For example, the escape sequence &lt; denotes the less than character (<).

Obviously, since some characters such as < are used with a very special meaning in HTML, there must be some way of expressing them as data characters, ie when they should appear eg as part of the document itself or in a URL. The convention is that the following notations are used:

character usual name(s) of the character HTML notation of the character in data (escape sequence)
< less than character, left angle bracket &lt;
> greater than character, right angle bracket &gt;
& ampersand &gt;
" double quote &quot;

The double quote " can be typed as such within normal text, but for obvious reasons the escape sequence for it can be useful within quoted strings.

Notice that the semicolon is part of the escape sequence and may not be omitted, in general. Some browsers and other programs may successfully process HTML code in which escape sequences are not terminated by semicolons while others may get very confused with them.

In escape sequences, the case of letters is significant. For example, the ampersand & may not be represented as &AMP (this escape sequence is undefined), and the escape sequences &auml; and &Auml; denote two distinct characters, a umlaut (a dieresis, the letter a with two dots above it) in lower case and in upper case (ä and Ä); notice the principle of uppercasing only the first letter in the escape notation (&AUML; is undefined).

The need for the above-mentioned escape sequences arises from the syntax of HTML. In fact there are escape sequences for all characters in the ISO Latin 1 character set. The following are available:

However, there is usually little reason to use the other escape sequences. Using &auml; instead of ä might seem to give some character code independency, but it does not; if a browser can display &auml; correctly, it can also display correctly a document in which the character ä is specified directly. But notice that sometimes you cannot input some special characters directly due to keyboard restrictions, and in such cases you can have use for notations like &auml;.

Some browsers support other escape sequences than those mentioned above, for example &trade;, &shy; and &cbsp;. The use of such notations is strongly discouraged. (Notation &trade; refers to a symbol which does not belong to ISO Latin 1 at all; you may wish to use the legal notation <SUP><SMALL>TM</SMALL></SUP> instead. Notation &shy; refers to "soft hyphen", which has undefined semantics in HTML. Notation &cbsp; stands for "conditional breaking space", not in ISO Latin 1 and possibly not intended to be a character at all.)


In some contexts in the definition of HTML, the word name appears as a technical term. (Perhaps a more appropriate term would be identifier, since the concept bears resemblance to identifiers in programming languages). A name is a sequence of characters containing only and beginning with a letter.

This name concept occurs in the description of HTTP-EQUIV and NAME attributes of the META element and in the description of NAME attribute of the PARAM element.

In other contexts, a string which is used to name something may contain other characters as well but then it must be quoted.


Some HTML constructs can be used to specify colors: by using an explicit BODY element one can specify the background color, default text color, and colors of link texts; and the FONT element can be used to set text color locally.

It is of course possible that due to software or hardware limitations colors cannot be presented. The actual rendering might be black and white or different shades of grey.

When a color is specified as the value of an attribute, there are two possibilities:

Of course, the symbolic notations are much easier to use and more self-explanatory. On the other hand the numerical designations give much more possibilities.

It is not necessary to know the numerical equivalents of the predefined color names in order to use them. However, the following table specifies them as well, since they might help authors who wish to define colors by slightly modifying the predefined ones.

Color names and sRGB values
Black = "#000000" Green = "#008000"
Silver = "#C0C0C0" Lime = "#00FF00"
Gray = "#808080" Olive = "#808000"
White = "#FFFFFF" Yellow = "#FFFF00"
Maroon = "#800000" Navy = "#000080"
Red = "#FF0000" Blue = "#0000FF"
Purple = "#800080" Teal = "#008080"
Fuchsia = "#FF00FF" Aqua = "#00FFFF"

These colors were originally picked as being the standard 16 colors supported with the Windows VGA palette. The HTML 3.2 Reference Specification contains a section on colors with sample images in each of the 16 colors.

See also:


The value of the WIDTH attribute in eg an HR or TABLE tag can speficied in two alternative ways: The former, relative specification is more recommendable in general, since the author of a document cannot know the pixel size of the reader's screen.


Pixel values used in several contexts like width specifications refer to screen pixels. The physical size of a pixel depends on the user's screen.

A browser should multiply the pixel values by an appropriate factor when rendering to very high resolution devices such as laser printers. For instance if a user agent has a display with 75 pixels per inch and is rendering to a laser printer with 600 dots per inch, then it should multiply the pixel values given in HTML attributes by a factor of 8.

Vertical alignment (VALIGN)

In some tags related to tables, one can use the VALIGN attribute to control vertical alignment, ie the positioning in the vertical direction, of table cells.

The following are the possible values for the VALIGN attribute: TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, for positioning the the cell contents at the top, middle or bottom of the cell, respectively.

The default is VALIGN=MIDDLE.

Non-breaking spaces (&nbsp;)

The notation &nbsp; is the escape notation stands for a character which is in other contexts usually called non-breaking space, or NBSP for short. According to ISO 8859, this character should be presented a normal space (blank) but so that it is not replaced by a newline (as normal spaces often are in text processing). This means that a &nbsp; between two words causes them to be presented at the same line with some inter-word space between them. (The actual width of inter-word space may vary and need not relate to the number of spaces in an HTML file.)

The question whether &nbsp; should prevent line breaks when rendering HTML documents is ambiguous. The HTML 2.0 specification says:

Use of the non-breaking space and soft hyphen indicator characters is discouraged because support for them is not widely deployed.
This does not prevent you from trying, does it not? Moreover, although the HTML 3.2 Reference Specification is no explicit about the matter in general, it suggests, in the discussion of the NOWRAP attribute of TH and TD elements, that &amp; should act as non-breaking space within table cells at least.

On the other hand, within a table in HTML 3.2, &nbsp; can have quite different meaning, which can be described as non-empty space: when a table is presented with borders, cells with empty contents are drawn without them, and spaces only do not constitute contents - but &nbsp; does! This peculiar semantics does not prevent &nbsp; from acting as a non-break space as well.


An HTML file can contain comments, which give explanations to human readers of the HTML code. Comments do not affect the rendering of a document in any way, ie they are ignored by a browser.

You can begin a comment with the four-character sequence <!-- (less than sign, exclamation sign, two hyphens) and terminate it with the three-character sequence --> (two hyphens, greater than sign). For example:

<!-- Written by Jukka Korpela -->
However, it is generally preferrable to include metainformation about the document into HTML elements, such as META, and also make information about purpose, author, creation and last update time etc visible part of the document itself.

Thus, comments should be inserted in rare cases only, eg to comment the HTML code itself to explain things that may look odd. Remember that a comment is part of an HTML file, to be transmitted whenever the document is delivered. Therefore, to avoid wasting bandwidth, if you have a long story to tell, put it into a separate document and insert just its URL into a comment.

HTML editors and converters often insert a few comment lines into the beginning of an HTML file. Such indications can be helpful and should not be removed.

Fundamental structures in HTML 3.2, with examples

The obligatory structure of a document

First of all, let us start with an extremely primitive HTML document: one that only contains the words Hello world as plain text. In an HTML file, the contents must be preceded by a head section which minimally consists of two constructs. Our HTML code would be as follows:

Example hello.html:

Hello world
In fact, this document implicitly has the following structure, ie it is equivalent to the following:

Example hello2.html:

Hello world
This means that apart from the first line, the entire file is an HTML element which contains a HEAD element, with the TITLE element as contents, and a BODY element, with the plain text as contents.

Thus, in the absence of HTML, HEAD, and TITLE tags a browser implicitly assumes them in suitable places. Therefore, your document always contains a head and a a body.

The recommended structure of a document

In addition to the obligatory structure, there are various structural features which are highly recommendable. There are various local recommendations at different sites, and you should study the applicable documents carefully.

Here we will simply emphasize that every HTML document should contain certain basic information about its origin. The local recommendations may specify in detail the form in which that information should be provided.

The importance of providing origin information becomes evident if we think how people find documents using search engines or link lists in an increasing amount. In such contexts the document pops up as such, in isolation, even if you may have intended that people find out following links which you have carefully designed so that they give background information. When a user has eg found your document using AltaVista, he most probably wants to know what kind of document it is. Therefore, each HTML file should provide the very basic information (or link to information) about its origin and nature. For example, in a book-like document collection divided into small files, every file should contain at least a link to the "front page" of the "book".

At least the following origin information should be provided:

The following document presents, in the form of a skeleton sample, one way of implementing such information; please study the applicable local recommendations before adopting this or some other particular style.

Example skel.html:

<TITLE>A sample HTML document</TITLE>
<LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:jukka.korpela@hut.fi">
<H1>A sample HTML document</H1>

This is a sample HTML document examplifying a suggested way
of presenting basic origin information.

<A HREF="http://www.hut.fi/~jkorpela/">Jukka Korpela</A>,
<a href="mailto:Jukka.Korpela@hut.fi">Jukka.Korpela@hut.fi</a>
This document belongs to the context of
<a href="index.html">Learning HTML 3.2 by Examples</a>
The URL for this document is
Created: December 5, 1996

Information about the document - the HEAD section

As mentioned, there are two obligatory constructs in HTML 3.2, and they must appear in this order:

Most browsers don't complain if you omit these, but they are required by the HTML 3.2 definition. More importantly, there are good practical reasons to include them:

Formally, the TITLE element is (at least implicitly) part of a HEAD element whereas the !DOCTYPE clause precedes all HTML constructs.

Optionally, the HEAD element may contain the following elements in addition to a TITLE element:

Organizing the contents - headings, paragraphs, lists, etc

Generally, you divide your document into parts, which may in turn be divided into parts etc. In HTML, such division is expressed using headings of different level. The lowest-level parts in this hierarchy consist of one or more paragraphs. In addition to normal paragraphs and some special kinds of paragraphs like (long) quotations, HTML 3.2 supports lists and tables, which can be regarded as paragraph-like. The internal structure of paragraphs and paragraph-like elements is expressed using text level tags, to be discussed later.

The tags for expressing major structural features, so-called block level tags, are the following:

A recommendable approach, which may need adjustments to fit your local recommendations, is the following:

  1. Write a descriptive heading for the entire document and use H1 element with ALIGN=CENTER attribute for it.
  2. Divide the document into major parts (sections), write suitable titles for them, using H1 with ALIGN=LEFT. In this and further divisions, try to avoid having more than seven parts.
  3. If necessary, divide each major part into smaller parts with H2 headings, and if needed divide each of these subsections into subsubsections with H3 headings. Avoid using H4 headings and especially H5 and H6 headings, both because they are often rendered with a very small font and because more than three levels of structure tends to make the document hard to read. (If you still feel tempted to use H4, consider dividing the entire document into smaller documents.)
  4. If you have a section with, say, H2 heading and containing H3 headings, avoid inserting text between the H2 heading and the first H3 heading. Such "homeless" text can be acceptable if it only contains very short notes such as general orientation, some remarks about the section, or a motto. Long homeless texts confuse the reader who does not see your good intentions; therefore, use a subsection with a heading of the appropriate level and with text like Introductory remarks, Generalities or Summary.
  5. Divide the smallest parts of the above-mentioned structure into paragraphs or paragraph-like blocks (namely lists or tables). as described below. Notice that in HTML you must explicitly indicate paragraph division by HTML elements; leaving just an empty line does not cause a paragraph break.
  6. Within paragraphs, use text level markup, normally phrase markup, to distinguish special text segments from normal text, eg to indicate quotations of computer output or to emphasize key words.
  7. Add links and, if applicable, images or other illustrations.
As regards to the paragraph level, there are quite a many alternatives. The following list is intended to give some practical guidelines for selecting a suitable alternative: Notice that the basic paragraph element P is not nestable, ie you cannot have P elements within a P element to create subparagraphs. However, the various list elements effectively provide an itemization structure which essentially corresponds to subparagraph division. Moreover, the list elements are nestable.

Text markup - emphasis, citations, code, etc

Locical vs physical markup

There are two major classes of text markup: logical and physical. Logical markup indicates the role of a text segment, such as being more important than normal text or being a quotation. Physical markup is an instruction to present text in a particular manner, such as using a font of some specific kind or underlining.

Logical markup shall be preferred. Use physical markup only if it is really relevant that part of a text displayed in a particular physical way (if possible). For instance, use the STRONG element for strong emphasis, letting the various Web browsers express the emphasis in the way which is the best in the environment where they are used. Do not use the B element (indicating bolding), except in the rare occasions where you are writing about some text appearing in boldface somewhere.

When style sheets will be generally useable, both authors and readers will be able to affect the rendering (eg font, color, and background) of elements. For instance, someone might wish to have all program code extracts presented with yellow background and larger than normal font whereas someone might prefer some quite different methods of distinguishing them from normal text. Such operations will be much easier if logical markup has been used consistently.

In addition to being more flexible with respect to various browsers and rendering environments, logical markup has the following advantage over physical markup: In an increasing amount, computer programs are used for extracting information from HTML documents for various purposes like indexing. For this to work, it is much better to have logical markup indicating eg that some text is more important than the rest or a quotation of computer printout, rather than having designations of physical fonts.

Both logical and physical markup is done using HTML elements with start and end tags. It follows from the nature of HTML language that markups must not overlap. For instance, the following is in error:

  This has some <B>bold and <I></B>italic text</I>.
On the other hand, markup elements can be nested. User agents should do their best when rendering structures like the following:

Example nest.html:

This is <I>italic text which contains <U>underlined text</U>
within in </I> whereas <U>this is normal underlined text</U>.

Obviously, browsers with limited font repertoire can have difficulties in presenting text markup.

Phrase elements (logical text markup)

There are two phrase element for emphasis: EM and STRONG, and naturally STRONG is used for stronger emphasis. Unfortunately there is no phrase element for "de-emphasis", ie for indicating segments of text as less important. (If you really need that, you may consider using the SMALL element.) Avoid emphasizing too much, since emphasizing everything is tantamount to saying everything with the same emphasis, ie not emphasizing anything!

The DFN element can be regarded as a special kind of emphasis, too, but logically it indicates that a term is used in a context where it is defined. This is a very useful element in principle but unfortunately many browsers, including Netscape, do not effectively support it.

The VAR element indicates that a piece of text (typically, a word) is a variable, ie a generic notation to be replaced by different actual expressions.

The other phrase elements involve different kinds of citations or quotations:

CITE citation (title of a book or article or equivalent)
CODE program code or equivalent (eg HTML code)
SAMP sample output from programs, scripts, commands etc
KBD text to be typed from a keyboard by a user; typically used when giving instructions

Please do not identify eg the concept of emphasis with its physical representation on your browser (or even its typical representation on several browsers). See below for notes and examples on rendering markup.

Font elements (physical text markup)

The available font elements - to be used very sparingly! - are:
TT "teletype" text, ie monospaced text
I italics
B bold
U underlined
STRIKE strike-through text
BIG large font
SMALL small font
SUB subscript
SUP superscript
Note: SUB and SUP might reasonable be regarded as phrase-level markup, and as mentioned above, SMALL might be used as a substitute for the missing phrase markup for de-emphasis.

The FONT (and BASEFONT) element offers more possibilities to control font sizes than BIG and SMALL. But beware that excessive use of physical markup tends to obscure documents.

Rendering of markup

You may wish to view a separate file to see the visual appearance of the different markup elements on your browser. But please do not assume that the rendering which you see is universal or the correct one.

For example, some browsers (eg Internet Explorer) render TT (and CODE) so that the font is significantly smaller than normal text font, and this disproportion is preserved when the setting for font size is changed; moreover, Internet Explorer renders VAR with monospaced font whereas most graphical browsers use (much more naturally) italics. On the other hand, in Netscape these font sizes are separately settable and by default the same font size is used for both, but "the same" is the technical size in points - in practise monospaced font looks bigger than normal proportional font!

Thus, avoid messing up with font sizes; use phrase markup and other structural elements and let the users, if they dislike the font sizes, define fonts in their browser settings the best they can.

The following table is intended for giving an idea of the variation. It (verbally) presents the rendering of markup elements in Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Lynx. Notice that there is variation even within each of these programs - depending on version, platform, and system-wide or user's own configuration, so this is just a typical situation. Thus, consider this as what different things might happen rather than as a description of what actually happens in some particular program.

element Netscape Internet Explorer Lynx
EM italics italics underlined
DFN normal text italics normal (monospaced)
CODE monospaced monospaced small normal (monospaced)
SAMP monospaced monospaced small normal (monospaced)
KBD monospaced monospaced small normal (monospaced)
VAR italics monospaced small normal (monospaced)
CITE italics italics underlined
TT monospaced monospaced small normal (monospaced)
I italics italics underlined
B bold bold underlined
U normal text underlined underlined
STRIKE strike-through strike-through text between [DEL: and :DEL]
BIG larger than normal larger than normal normal text
SMALL smaller than normal slightly smaller than normal normal text
SUB lowered, slightly smaller lowered normal text
SUP raised, slightly larger raised normal text

These relate to unnested elements. Nesting of text elements may affect the rendering.

Presenting interaction with computer

In order to present text-based interaction between a human being and a computer, or similar situations, the following approach can be used: In all cases, the principles on division into lines and the use of blanks and tabs must be taken into account, and this may require the insertion of BR elements or the use of PRE elements. Notice that logical markup is allowed within a PRE element (although possibly not implemented in a quite satisfactory way).

The following example illustrates the approach in the context of an introduction to the Perl programming language.

Example interact.html:

<P>The following Perl script prints out its input so that each line begins with
a running line number:</P>
$line = 1;
while (&lt;&gt;) {
  print $line++, " ", $_; }
<P>The scalar variable <CODE>$line</CODE> is of course the line counter.<P>
<P>The loop construct is of the form<BR>
<CODE>while (&lt;&gt;) {</CODE><BR>
<VAR>process one line of input</VAR> <CODE>}</CODE><BR>
<P>Assuming that you have written this script (the simpler version of it) into a
file named <KBD>lines</KBD>, you could test it using a command of the form<BR>
<KBD>./lines</KBD> <VAR>datafile</VAR><BR>
In particular, using the script as input to itself, you would do as follows
(the details of system output vary from one system to another):
<SAMP>lk-hp-23 perl 251 % </SAMP><KBD>./lines lines</KBD>
<SAMP>1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 $line = 1;
3 while (<>) {
4   print $line++, " ", $_; }
lk-hp-23 perl 252 % </SAMP>

Notes on the example:

Controlling the layout

First, get the structure of your document right. Then, if needed, consider making the layout better. Notice that different browsers use different layouts, and even the same browser may display the same document differently in different environments. For instance, when the user changes the size of his Netscape window, the layout may change radically.

Thus, on the Web there is no such thing as the layout of a document. As an author you cannot dictate layout, just make some efforts to affect it. The following notes, and all information related to layout-oriented features of HTML, should be read with this in mind.

Several HTML elements have optional attributes which can be used to affect the way in which the element is rendered. Consult the detailed descriptions of individual HTML tags to see the possibilies and to read notes about them.

In particular, you may wish to center parts of the text to make them more distinguishable from normal text. You can use the ALIGN=CENTER attribute in several elements like P or DIV (or the separate CENTER element).

If you wish to separate major portions of your document visually from each other, you can use the HR element. Typically it is rendered as a full width horizontal line. But please use this in addition to structuring tools like headings, not as a substitute for them.

As regards to detailed layout issues such as forcing or preventing line breaks, see section Division into lines and the use of blanks and tabs. Font issues were discussed above.


Links (often called hyperlinks) are the feature which justifies the HT in HTML (HyperText Markup Language).

Technically links are specified using A (anchor) elements, and the technical issues are discussed in the description of the A tag. Here we just present the basic idea, a very simple example, and a few pragmatic or stylistic notes.

A link is a directed connection between a particular point in a document and another particular point in the same or another document. The points are often called anchors in HTML terminology.

The two ends of a link (the anchors) are in different logical positions: the link is from one point to another. The latter, called the target of the link, is very often the beginning of a document or, perhaps more logically speaking, an entire document.

In the simplest case, you create a link from one point of your document to another document (which could be your own or written by someone else, perhaps physically located at the other side of the globe). You have to decide which words act as a visual representation of the link, ie as the phrase which refers to the other document, and you need to know the Web address (the URL) of that document. Then you just put the pieces together into a suitable A element. For instance:

I work at <A HREF="http://www.hut.fi/english.html">HUT</a>.
This might, in one environment, be rendered as follows:

I work at HUT.

The link text, here the abbreviation HUT, acts as a link to a Web document which explains what the abbreviation means and also provides a lot of information about it. The renderings vary a lot - the link text might be underlined, colored, or otherwise distinguishable from normal text. The user (reader) is assumed to know how links are rendered in the particular environment.

Although it is technically easy to set up links, it is pragmatically often very difficult to use them the right way. Here are some practical guidelines:

Images, formulas, etc.

Basically, the image support in HTML is just an interface to the world of graphics. The creation and manipulation of images, the graphics formats and other graphics stuff is not part of HTML. In particular, the HTML specification does not pose any requirements or restrictions on the graphics formats supported by Web browsers.

Assuming that we have some graphics in some format in a file, there are two essentially different ways to use it in a Web document. You can either link to it or to embed it into your document. In the first case, you use an anchor (A) element; in the latter case, an IMG element. In the first case, when a user accesses your document he sees eg a verbal phrase which acts as a link, and activating that link causes an image to be displayed, either in the same window or in another, depending on the browser and its settings. On the other hand, an embedded image is part of your document; when a user accesses your document, the image is loaded along with it and displayed as part of it.

In both cases, the user will see the image only if the browser supports the particular graphics format. The most commonly supported formats are GIF and JPEG. They are often the only formats supported for embedded images. For linked images, the support is typically wider (it might include eg PostScript, PDF, and PNG) and extensible by the user (by installing new viewers and making suitable additions to the settings of the browser). The reason is that linked images are typically implemented so that the browser knows nothing of the graphics format itself but only knows how to launch a separate program to present it.

As a special case, it is possible to combine linking and embedding in a sense: you can create a document which contains an image which acts (instead of verbal link text) as a link to another image. Typically, the embedded image is rather small, stamp-like, often a small coarse version of the image to which it points as a link.

Linking to an image is usually permitted without specific permission. On the other hand, embedding an image means using it in a way which requires the author's permission, and the author must be mentioned. (See Web Law FAQ.) Obviously, some images are so simple that copyright is not applicable. Moreover, there is a large number of collections of images, some of which are in the public domain.

To illustrate linking to images and embedding images, let us consider a GIF image which has been put onto a suitable place so that it is accessible using the URL http://www.hut.fi/~lsarakon/sae.gif. Now I could refer to it in the following way:

Example sae.html:

<A HREF="http://www.hut.fi/~lsarakon/">Liisa Sarakontu</A> has drawn
<A HREF="http://www.hut.fi/~lsarakon/sae.gif">a picture of
Siamese algae eater</A>.
On the other hand, since Liisa has given me the permission to do so, I could embed the image into a document of mine as follows:

Example sae-2.html:

The Siamese algae eater (<I>Crossocheilus siamensis</I>) is often
mixed up with another algae eating fish, the "false Siamensis"
(<I>Garra taeniata</I> or <I>Epalzeorhynchus sp.</I>). Below you
can see drawings of them by
<A HREF="http://www.hut.fi/~lsarakon/">Liisa Sarakontu</A>.
<IMG SRC="http://www.hut.fi/~lsarakon/sae.gif" ALT="[Picture of Siamese
algae eater]">
<IMG SRC="http://www.hut.fi/~lsarakon/false.gif" ALT='[Picture of "false
The issue of good use of images is very difficult any many-faceted. No attempt to cover it will be made here. Readers who know Finnish are encouraged to read the document Kuvien käytöstä viestinnässä yleensä ja Webissä erityisesti.

There is no general support in HTML 3.2 to presenting mathematical formulas. Consult the W3C document on Math Markup to see what work is in progress in this respect. However, you can use some software (eg TeX) to produce the representation of a formula as an image, eg in PostScript form, and use the IMG tag to embed it into your document or the A tag to create link to it. The latter method is often worth considering, especially for large formulas. The reader may prefer reading the text without distractions and looking at the formula (image) at the very moment he is prepared to do so. Moreover, he may prefer looking at it in a separate window (which is separately adjustable in size and positionable on the screen).

Tables (Not in HTML 2.0!)


The table concept in HTML 3.2

In HTML, a table is a structure consisting of rows and columns, which can have headers (names, titles, explanations). A table is typically rendered in some natural way corresponding to the structure, with columns adjusted accordingly. Tables are the most important improvement in HTML 3.2 in comparison with HTML 2.0. On the other hand, the table constructs of HTML 3.2 are only a subset of The HTML3 Table Model (RFC 1942).

When speaking about HTML, the elements of a table in the normal sense of this expression are usually called cells, to avoid confusion with the TABLE element (which is the HTML description of an entire table).

Unfortunately tables are not yet supported by all browsers, and even if support exists it may be of poor quality. Another unfortunate situation is that people have started using table elements just to get a desired layout of pages, not to represent data which is logically matrix-like in structure.

Tags used to represent tables

Representing a table involves several kinds of HTML tags:

The very basic table structure

Let us start with a very simple example. It consists of a 2 by 2 table of numbers (a unit matrix), with no headers whatsoever. The HTML code is as follows:

Example table1.html:

<TR> <TD> 1 </TD> <TD> 0 </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD> 0 </TD> <TD> 1 </TD> </TR>
and it looks like the following on a typical browser:

1 0
0 1

Thus, the TABLE tags enclose the table rows, each of which is enclosed by TR tags and enclose table cells enclosed by TD tags. This corresponds to the logical structure of a table as a set of rows consisting of cells. You can abbreviate the table structure by omitting the TD and TR end tags (since a browser implicitly assumes them), but at the expense of losing the logical clarity to some extent:

<TR> <TD> 1 <TD> 0
<TR> <TD> 0 <TD> 1

Moreover, although omitting those end tags is legal HTML 3.2, it may in practise confuse some browsers (including Netscape) in some cases.

The use of blanks and newlines in the HTML code for a table is irrelevant to the visual appearance of a table when viewed with a browser, since that appearance is controlled by HTML tags. However, it is often useful to position table elements suitably in the HTML code so that items in the same column are adjusted to make the structure clear for you (or whoever has to maintain the HTML document).

Additional features; a typical table with text cells

There are several separate features which you will often like to add to this simple table model: The following, rather typical, example uses all of the above-mentioned features:

Example table2.html:

<P>An illustration of the use of the TABLE element in HTML.</P>
<CAPTION>Finnish, English, and scientific names for some animals</CAPTION>
<TR><TH>Finnish name</TH><TH>English name</TH><TH>Scientific name</TH></TR>
<TR><TD>hirvi</TD><TD>elk</TD><TD><I>Alces alces</I></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>orava</TD><TD>squirrel</TD><TD><I>Sciurus vulgaris</I></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>susi</TD><TD>wolf</TD><TD><I>Canis lupus</I></TD></TR>
Notice that some table elements in the example contain text markup; in this case, there is a specific reason for using the I element.

Parallel texts

If you have logically parallel texts, such as a document in several languages or several variants of the same text, the TABLE element is probably the best way of presenting them. (Using a PRE element is possible but requires tedious formatting by hand and results in the text being displayed in monospaced font.)

In the simplest case you can just write a TABLE element (with attributes defaulted) which contains a single row which contains two data cells, each of which contains a paragraph.

In a more general case, you should divide the parallel texts into logical parts, such as paragraphs, and make each part a cell of the table. This may require a lot of work (unless you have a suitable program to do the job), since you must take care of "merging" the text: after the first part of the first text, you must have the first part of the second text, etc.

The following example presents a passage from the Bible in three versions and translations:

Example table3.html:

<CAPTION><STRONG>The beginning of Genesis
in three languages</STRONG></CAPTION>
<TH><TH>Latin (Vulgate)</TH><TH>English (King James version)</TH>
<TH>Finnish (1992 version)</TH>
<TD>In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram.</TD>
<TD>In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.</TD>
<TD>Alussa Jumala loi taivaan ja maan.</TD>
<TD>Terra autem erat inanis et vacua et tenebrae super faciem
abyssi et spiritus Dei ferebatur super aquas.</TD>
<TD>And the earth was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face
of the waters.</TD>
<TD>Maa oli autio ja tyhjä, pimeys peitti syvyydet,
ja Jumalan henki liikkui vetten yllä. </TD>
<TD>Dixitque Deus "Fiat lux" et facta est lux.</TD>
<TD>And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.</TD>
<TD>Jumala sanoi: "Tulkoon valo!" Ja valo tuli.</TD>
Notice that the ALIGN and VALIGN attributes can be essential for achieving good rendering. Browsers cannot know the nature of tables from their contents, so there are situations where the document author may need to control formatting issues like alignment.

Using a table to present a definition list

As mentioned in the discussion of list elements like DL, the typical rendering of "definition lists" is not very good. Moreover, there are just a few ways to affect the rendering.

Using a TABLE element for a definition list is perhaps not an intended use of that element but it is often useful, especially since the author can control things like alignment and use of borders. Consult the document Examples of various list elements in HTML for a very simple example of presenting a definition list as a table with default attribute settings. Usually you probably want the "definition terms" to be left-aligned, as in the following example:

Example table4.html:

<CAPTION>The first three letters of the Greek alphabet</CAPTION>
<TD> the first letter of the Greek alphabet </TD> </TR>
<TD> the second letter of the Greek alphabet </TD> </TR>
<TD> the third letter of the Greek alphabet. </TD> </TR>

Numerical tables

For many people, tables are essentially tables of numerical data. As the preceding examples show, tables have a lot of other use as well.

For numerical tables, proper alignment is usually crucial for easily readable rendering. (It is in a sense a structural feature, since it relates to the comparability of items of a column.)

Integer values in a column should be right aligned. This is easy to achieve in principle. There are two alternatives:

Values containing a decimal point (or, in many languages, a decimal comma) should be aligned according to that separator, but unfortunately this is not possible in HTML 3.2. (There are suggested ways of expressing such requests, but currently there is little if any support for them.) One solution is to present such values so that there is the same number of digits to the right of the decimal point in every value in a column, and use ALIGN=RIGHT.

However, the rendering might be unsatisfactory if numbers are presented using a proportional font so that digits are of essentially different sizes. It is possible but tedious to overcome this by putting the data in each numerical cell within a TT element. (Notice that it is not legal for a TT element to contain a TABLE element!)

The following example contains first a hand-formatted table presented using the PRE element, then the same data using a TABLE element. In general, it takes more work and care to use a TABLE element but the result is often much better.

Example table5.html:

Measurement results:
time     temperature   pressure
12:00       26           12.8
12:15       22.5          9.8
12:30       11            1.65
12:45        3.3          0.03
13:00        0.05         0.002

<CAPTION>Measurement results</CAPTION>
<TR ALIGN=RIGHT><TD>12:00 </TD><TD>26.00 </TD><TD>12.800 </TD></TR>
<TR ALIGN=RIGHT><TD>12:15 </TD><TD>22.50 </TD><TD> 9.810 </TD></TR>
<TR ALIGN=RIGHT><TD>12:30 </TD><TD>11.00 </TD><TD> 1.650 </TD></TR>
<TR ALIGN=RIGHT><TD>12:45 </TD><TD> 3.30 </TD><TD> 0.030 </TD></TR>
<TR ALIGN=RIGHT><TD>13:00 </TD><TD> 0.05 </TD><TD> 0.002 </TD></TR>

Using tables to represent menus

Very often one needs to present a relatively large set of relatively small items. For instance, suppose that we have documents about various countries and we wish to provide a menu of country names, to be used as an index.

The index is implemented in HTML using normal links, eg
<A HREF="af.html">Afghanistan</A>
What we will discuss here is how to present the link names, or some other pieces of text, as a list, table, or some other structure.

Theoretically the obvious answer is to use the MENU construct. However, as mentioned and exemplified in the general discussion of lists, this not practically feasible. Hopefully it will be one day. Meanwhile, if we prefer having the menu in multicolumn format, as we usually do, we must use other constructs.

One possibility is to format the menu by hand and enclose it into a PRE element. If the menu items are link texts, you should first format it as text only, then add the anchor (A) tags, since adding them obscures the layout. For clarity, therefore, the following example is presented without links (unlike the other alternatives):

Example menu1.html:

Afghanistan           Albania               Algeria
American Samoa        Andorra               Angola
Anguilla              Antarctica            Antigua and Barbuda
Arctic Ocean          Argentina             Armenia
Another possibility, which should be the normal one, is to present the items simply as a text paragraph, using eg a blank or a blank and a comma as separator. This means that the browser takes care of dividing the text into lines and the presentation is very compact:

Example menu2.html:

<BASE HREF="http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/95fact/">
<A HREF="af.html">Afghanistan</A>,
<A HREF="al.html">Albania</A>,
<A HREF="ag.html">Algeria</A>,
<A HREF="aq.html">American Samoa</A>,
<A HREF="an.html">Andorra</A>,
<A HREF="ao.html">Angola</A>,
<A HREF="av.html">Anguilla</A>,
<A HREF="ay.html">Antarctica</A>,
<A HREF="ac.html">Antigua and Barbuda</A>,
<A HREF="xq.html">Arctic Ocean</A>,
<A HREF="ar.html">Argentina</A>,
<A HREF="am.html">Armenia</A>
Of course, it is possible to force line breaks by using a BR element (eg to make a change in the initial letter cause a new line in an example like above). If you think the items are not distinguishable enough in the rendering, consider prefixing each item with a special character like * (and using just spaces as separator).

However, if for some reason the presentation must be such that all items occupy the same amount of space, then one can either use the PRE method described above or take the effort of designing a suitable TABLE element. Example:

Example menu3.html:

<BASE HREF="http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/95fact/">
<TD WIDTH=150><A HREF="af.html">Afghanistan</A></TD>
<TD WIDTH=150><A HREF="al.html">Albania</A></TD>
<TD WIDTH=150><A HREF="ag.html">Algeria</A></TD>
<TD WIDTH=150><A HREF="aq.html">American Samoa</A></TD>
<TD WIDTH=150><A HREF="an.html">Andorra</A></TD>
<TD WIDTH=150><A HREF="ao.html">Angola</A></TD>
<TD WIDTH=150><A HREF="av.html">Anguilla</A></TD>
<TD WIDTH=150><A HREF="ay.html">Antarctica</A></TD>
<TD WIDTH=150><A HREF="ac.html">Antigua and Barbuda</A></TD>
<TD WIDTH=150><A HREF="xq.html">Arctic Ocean</A></TD>
<TD WIDTH=150><A HREF="ar.html">Argentina</A></TD>
<TD WIDTH=150><A HREF="am.html">Armenia</A></TD>
Notice that this solution is rather unclean. It involves a TABLE structure where the division into lines is (normally) made for layout purposes only, and adding new items usually requires complete restructuring of the table. You typically need to insert WIDTH attributes to ensure that table columns are of the same width, and the specification is inherently device-dependent since it must be given in pixels.

Table elements occupying several rows or columns

Sometimes we would like to make a table element occupy the space for two or more elements, horizontally or vertically or both. As an example, consider the following information (the declination of a Latin pronoun):
      neut. masc. fem.

nom.  id    is    ea
acc.  id    eum   eam
gen.  eius  eius  eius
dat.  ei    ei    ei
abl.  eo    eo    ea
Obviously this calls for using a table in HTML, and using the above-explained constructs you can write a simple table presentation for the data. However, if you would like to make it more explicit that there are identical entries in adjacent cells, you can use the ROWSPAN and COLSPAN attributes as follows:

Example span.html:

<CAPTION>Declination of <I>is</I> in singular</CAPTION>
<TR><TH>gen.</TH><TD COLSPAN=3 ALIGN=CENTER><I>eius</I></TD></TR>
For example, the first cell is specified to have ROWSPAN=2, which effectively means that two adjacent cells in the same column are combined into one cell. Notice that when writing the HTML code for the next row (the second TR element) we simply leave out a cell element corresponding to the location which has already been taken into use.

Nested tables

Tables can be nested, because a TD element (and a TH element) may contain a block element and therefore a table element in particular. Nested tables easily become confusing, but they have reasonable use, too.

Basically you just need to be very careful in writing HTML code for nested tables. No new elements or other features are needed, just a combination of those which have already been described. But due to deep nesting one easily makes mistakes, and the results can be really messy, and locating the error may take time.

The simplest case is probably a table with a single row consisting of two elements, each of which is a table. This might be used for presenting two similar tables in parallel for comparison. To proceed with our grammatical example, here is a table containing two tables, one for declination in singular and one for declination in plural:

Example nt.html:

<CAPTION>Declination of <I>is</I></CAPTION>
<TR><TH>gen.</TH><TD COLSPAN=3 ALIGN=CENTER><I>eius</I></TD></TR>
 <TD><I>ii (ei)</I></TD><TD><I>eae</I></TD></TR>
<TR><TH>gen.</TH><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN=CENTER><I>eorum</I></TD>
 <I>iis (eis)</I></TD></TR>

Notice the explicit use of end tags like </TD>. The same code with omissible tags omitted is equivalent according to HTML 3.2 specification, but Netscape has a bug which can make it present a nested table incorrectly in the absence of end tags.

Fonts in table elements

People often ask how to designate font face, size and color for data within tables.

The short answer is: Don't. When necessary, use logical markup for text elements within tables as well as elsewhere. (Previous discussion contained a simple example of this.)

Assuming that you really need to designate font face, size and color (or just insist on doing so), the laborious way of doing it elementwise is the only portable way. Here portable means that you can, with some confidence, expect the HTML code to work on most browsers (assuming that they have table support at all, of course). This is not just a standards issue. In particular, in Netscape the BASEFONT element does not affect text in tables (it is disputable whether it should, according to the standard).

To summarize the situation, as regards to portable solutions in the above-mentioned sense:

font face
Cannot be set in the HTML code at all. You can only use a few markup elements to suggest that a font of a specific kind (eg italics, monospaced, bold) be used. These cannot be set globally, ie if you want them to apply to all elements of a table, they must appear separately in each TH or TD element. (The FACE attribute of the FONT element is a non-standard feature. It is relatively harmless unless your document essentially depends on it. In any case, it is "local", text level markup, so it really needs to be put into each table cell separately.)
font size
Locally (eg within a table cell) you can use SMALL, BIG, or FONT SIZE=... You can set the global (default) font size with BASEFONT but this usually does not affect table cell contents, as explained above.
font color
Locally (eg within a table cell) you can use FONT COLOR=... You can set the default text color globally - in the absolute sense, for the entire document - with BODY TEXT=... But you cannot set the default color for a table to be different from that of the entire document.

Style sheets provide tools for affecting the rendering in a rather detailed manner, but support for them in browsers is still under development.

Descriptions of HTML 3.2 tags

Index and legend


The structure of the tag descriptions is as follows:

This presentation does not discuss the XMP, LISTING, and PLAINTEXT elements. They are now deprecated (obsolete), and PRE should be used instead.

A - anchors, hyperlinks, etc


To set up hyperlinks and "anchors" for them, ie to define that a word or other construct in the document acts a link to a resource (such as another HTML file), or to specify that the current location can be used, with a given name, as the target of such links (in the same or another document).

In principle, the A element can also be used for some other purposes which are currently of little practical value.

Typical rendering

An A element of the form <A HREF="target">anchor text</A> is displayed so that anchor text is presented in a distinguished manner (eg underlined or highlighted).

The user may select the anchor text (in a browser-dependent manner, using eg arrow keys for moving the cursor and enter key for selecting, or the mouse for moving the cursor and a mouse button click for selecting); in that case the document or location in a document as specified by the target, if existent and accessible, will be fetched and presented to the user (either in the same or in another window on the screen).

There are no automatic newlines or similar phenomena involved; this means that the anchor text can be part of normal text flow in the document.

The presentation of anchor texts is settable by user options in many browsers. It can depend on whether the target has been visited by the user or not. It is also affected by eventual LINK and VLINK attributes in a BODY element. When a document is printed, anchor texts might be, depending on the browser and its settings, eg normal text or underlined text or footnotes (indicating the target URLs) might be attached to them.

If anchor text is (or contains) an IMG element, a browser generally indicates the image as a link by drawing a colored (typically blue) border around the image. The width (and existence) of such a border can be controlled by the BORDER attribute of the IMG element.

Other A elements than those containing an HREF attribute have no effect on the rendering of a document.

Basic syntax

<A HREF="target">anchor text</A>


<A NAME="name"></A>

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
NAME string a name for a link end must be unique within the document
HREF URL network adrress for the linked resource could be another HTML document, a PDF file, an image etc
REL string the forward relationship also known as the "link type"; cf. LINK with REL in principle, could be used to determine to how deal with the linked resource when printing out a collection of linked resources
REV string the reverse relationship: a link from document A to document B with REV=relation expresses the same relationship as a link from B to A with REL=relation.
TITLE string a title for the linked resource advisory

The value of a TITLE attribute might be used eg

Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements.


Text elements. Notice that this includes IMG (you can have an image as the "anchor text") but excludes headings (you can have A elements within headings but not vice versa).


Example A.html:

<P>A hyperlink referring to a document in the same directory
as the current one:
<A HREF="ADDRESS.html">Examples of using ADDRESS tag</A>.
<P>A hyperlink referring to a document elsewhere:
<A HREF="http://www.hut.fi/english.html">HUT</A>.
<P>A hyperlink in which the link text contains markup:
<a href="http://www.iki.fi/oa/HTML/"><cite>The HTML test set</cite></a>
<p>A hyperlink referring to a label in the same document:
<A HREF="#final">final example</A>.
<P>A hyperlink referring to a label in another document:
<A HREF="http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Internet/WWW/HTMLPrimerP2.html#UR">
URL info in HTML Primer</A>
<P>A link to an image:
<A HREF="http://www.hut.fi/~jkorpela/perhe.jpg">a family picture</A>.
<P><A NAME="final">Finally, this is just text to which you can
refer with a hyperlink.</A>


See the general discussion of images, formulas, etc, which contains additional examples.

As regards to ISMAP, see the IMG examples.

Don't use anchor texts like Click here. They look extremely stupid eg in a paper copy of a document. Warren Steel says in Hints for Web Authors:

You don't need to say "Click here for information on our graduate programs;" just insert the link into what you were saying: "Our excellent graduate programs ..." Links to large files or unusual formats should be so marked, perhaps in a parenthetical note. "Our stirring fight song (400k .au) ..."

It is a rather common error to omit quotes or the closing quote in an HREF attribute. Some browsers are permissive, others may get very confused, so that the link may not work at all.

You cannot nest A elements, but you can write a dual-purpose A element which has both an HREF and a NAME attribute, eg. <A NAME="foo" HREF="#bar">zap</A>

It is not obvious what exactly is the entity named in A NAME element. The most natural interpretation seems to be that it is a part of the document, namely the part between the start and end tags. However, notice that only text elements are allowed within the contents and that most browsers seem to interpret things so that an A NAME element just names a location (a point) in the document, namely the location of the start tag, leaving the position of the end tag meaningless. (However, an end tag </A> is obligatory!)

ADDRESS - document author information


To provide contact information about the author of the current document (ie the document in which the element is used).

Typical rendering

Typical rendering should involve paragraph breaks before and after. This is, however, not the case in Netscape, for example (see notes below). A browser may or may not use some special font like italics.

Basic syntax

<ADDRESS>address information<ADDRESS>

Possible attributes


Allowed context

Block container.


Text elements and P elements.


Very simple address information, containing just the author's E-mail address:

Example ADDRESS-1.html:


One idea is to provide just the author's name but so that it is a link to a home page containing more information. This is typically suitable for short documents to be viewed on the screen only.

Example ADDRESS-2.html:

<A HREF="http://www.hut.fi/~jkorpela/">Jukka Korpela</A>
A longer, more typical example:

Example ADDRESS-3.html:

Jukka Korpela, M.S. (Math.)<BR>
Helsinki University of Technology Computing Centre<BR>
FIN-02150 Espoo<BR>
Telephone International +358 9 451 4319
Electronic mail (Internet):
<A HREF="mailto:Jukka.Korpela@hut.fi">Jukka.Korpela@hut.fi</A><BR>
WWW home page:
<A HREF="http://www.hut.fi/%7Ejkorpela/">http://www.hut.fi/%7Ejkorpela/</A>


NCSA Beginner's Guide to HTML says that the ADDRESS element is not used for postal addresses, but the HTML 2.0 specification contains no such statement; on the contrary, its example of ADDRESS illustrates using it for a postal address.

Several browsers, including Netscape, do not use normal paragraph breaks when rendering ADDRESS. Therefore it is advisable to use explicit P tags around the address information, although they are in principle unnecessary. Since P is allowed within ADDRESS but not vice versa, use the same style as in the above examples.

It is advisable to obey applicable standards when writing address information. In particular, when providing telephone numbers, please apply CCITT recommendation E.123.

The ADDRESS tag itself creates no links; to provide eg a link to author's home page or a mailto link to author's E-mail address, use the normal A tag with HREF attribute (within the ADDRESS structure or outside it); see also: META element and LINK element with REV attribute.

Don't forget to add BR tags for line breaks.

APPLET - Java applets (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To embed a Java applet into an HTML document.

Typical rendering

It the browser is Java enabled, it runs the applet. If not, it displays the contents (after PARAM elements) of the applet, or the string specified in the ALT attribute.

Basic syntax

<APPLET CODE="appletfile" WIDTH=m HEIGHT=n ALIGN=alignment> textual description </APPLET>

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
CODEBASE URL the base URL of the applet; this typically refers to the directory or folder containing the code of the applet default is the URL of the document
CODE string class file, ie the name of the file that contains the compiled Applet subclass of the applet obligatory; interpreted as relative to the base specified by the CODEBASE attribute; cannot be absolute
ALT string a textual description, to be displayed in place of applet the contents of the element can be used for the same purpose, with more flexibility
NAME string a name for the applet instance such names make it possible for applets in the same document to find (and communicate with) each other.
WIDTH integer suggested width, in pixels, not counting any windows or dialogs which the applet brings up obligatory
HEIGHT integer suggested height, in pixels, not counting any windows or dialogs which the applet brings up obligatory
ALIGN TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT positioning of the applet display area similar to ALIGN attribute of IMG
HSPACE integer suggested horizontal gutter (width of white space to the immediate left and right of the applet display area), in pixels cf. to HSPACE attribute of IMG
VSPACE integer suggested vertical gutter (height of white space above and below the applet display area), in pixels cf. to VSPACE attribute of IMG

Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements.


Zero or more PARAM elements followed by zero or more text elements.

The exact meaning and intended use of text elements in the contents is somewhat obscure. The following is the wording of the HTML 3.2 Reference Specification:

Following the PARAM elements, the content of APPLET elements should be used to provide an alternative to the applet for user agents that don't support Java. - - Java-compatible browsers ignore this extra HTML code. You can use it to show a snapshot of the applet running, with text explaining what the applet does. Other possibilities for this area are a link to a page that is more useful for the Java-ignorant browser, or text that taunts the user for not having a Java-compatible browser.
Notice that text elements in the contents and ALT attribute in the start tag are two ways of having something displayed in place of the applet. There are two differences: the value of ALT is a plain string, whereas the elements may contain text markup; and an ALT attribute has no effect if the browser does not know an APPLET element at all, whereas such a browser probably processes the text elements in the contents - it simply ignores the APPLET (and PARAM) start and end tags.


A simple example:

Java applet that draws animated bubbles.
A more complicated example, using parameter passing (PARAM element):
<PARAM NAME=snd VALUE="Hello.au|Welcome.au">
Java applet that plays a welcoming sound.

A further example, making use of CODEBASE:

<APPLET CODEBASE="applets/NervousText"
<IMG SRC="sorry.gif" ALT="This looks better with Java support">


Even if a browser supports Java, the support can be disabled by system administration or by individual users, and people often do this because they think Java has too many security risks. Therefore, if you use Java applets, try to design your documents so that they work (although perhaps unimpressively) with Java disabled, too.

AREA - area in a clickable map (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To define an area ("hotzone") in a clickable map.

Typical rendering

No direct visual effect, but when the user clicks in the specified area, the document mentioned in the AREA element is visited.

To help the user, a browser may display, in the status line, the contents of the ALT attribute as the mouse or other pointing device is moved over an area.

Basic syntax

<AREA HREF="URL" COORDS="x1,y1,x2,y2">

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
SHAPE RECT, CIRCLE, POLY shape of the area default is RECT
COORDS string of a form which depends on SHAPE coordinates for the area obligatory except for defaulted SHAPE
HREF URL address of a document acts as a hypertext link
NOHREF NOHREF means that this region has no action useful when you want to cut a hole in a hotzone region
ALT string textual description of the area obligatory

The meanings of SHAPE and the syntax and semantics of COORDS for each shape is the following:

SHAPE value form of area syntax of COORDS meaning of COORDS
SHAPE=RECT rectangle COORDS="x1,y1,x2,y2" the x and y coordinates of lower left and upper right corner
SHAPE=CIRCLE circle COORDS="x0,y0,r" the x and y coordinates of the center and length of the radius
SHAPE=POLY polygon COORDS="x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,..." the x and y coordinates of the vertices

The x and y coordinate values are measured in pixels from the upper left corner of the associated image. This means that the y values increase downwards.

Alternatively, an x or y can also be specified as a percentage, with the percent sign appended to a number, to be interpreted a percentage of the width or height of the image, respectively. Example:

SHAPE=RECT COORDS="0, 0, 50%, 100%"

Examples of various shapes:
SHAPE=RECT COORDS="0,0,9,9"a rectangle of 10 by 10 pixels in the top left corner of the image
SHAPE=CIRCLE COORDS="10,10,5"a circle with radius of 5 pixels and centre at location (10,10)
SHAPE=POLY COORDS="10,50,15,20,20,50"a polygon (in this case, a triangle) with edge locations (10,50), (15,20), and (20,50)

Allowed context

MAP element.




<AREA HREF="guide.html" ALT="Guide" COORDS="0,0,118,28">


If two or more regions overlap, the region defined first in the map definition takes precedence over subsequent regions. This means that AREA elements with NOHREF should generally be placed before ones with the HREF attribute.

A draft version of HTML 3.2 contained DEFAULT as a possible value of SHAPE, to be used to specify what happens if the user selects a point which does not belong to any area specified in other AREA elements. This was removed. The same effect can be achieved by using SHAPE=RECT COORDS="0,0,100%,100%". Such an AREA element should be the last one within a MAP element, for the reason explained above.

The ALT attribute is used to provide text labels which can be displayed in the status line as the mouse or other pointing device is moved over hotzones, or for constructing a textual menu for non-graphical user agents. Authors are strongly recommended to provide meaningful ALT attributes to support interoperability with speech-based or text-only user agents. But notice that the value must be just a string with no text markup.

B - bolding


To present text in a boldface font.

Typical rendering

Bolded. See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example B-1.html:

Compare <B>bolded text</B> with normal text.


Avoid using B; use logical markup instead. In particular, for emphasis use EM or STRONG.

See general notes on text markup, which provide additional examples.

BASE - base for URLs


To define base URL for relative URLs in the document (eg in HREF attributes of A elements). This is typically used when mirroring documents.

For example, given
<BASE href="http://foo.com/index.html">
the IMG element
<IMG SRC="images/bar.gif">
refers to image

Typical rendering

None. The BASE element has no direct effect on the rendering of a document.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
HREF URL base URL to be used obligatory; must be absolute

Allowed context

The head element, in which at most one BASE element may appear.




<BASE HREF="http://www.hut.fi/~jkorpela/">

This implies that eg the link
<A HREF="lists.html">list examples</A>
is equivalent to
<A HREF="http://www.hut.fi/~jkorpela/lists.html">list examples</A>


Since only one BASE element per document is allowed, you cannot have different base URLs in different parts of an HTML file.

In the absence of a BASE element in a document, the URL of the document itself is the base URL within it. (This is not necessarily the same as the URL used to request the document, since the base URL may be overridden by an HTTP header accompanying the document.)

It is advisable to enclose the URL into quotes, although this is not always mandatory.

Don't forget the slash "/". Anything that follows the last slash in the URL in a BASE element is interpreted as belonging to the filename part and ignored. The following is equivalent to the BASE element in the example above:
<BASE HREF="http://www.hut.fi/~jkorpela/foobar">
whereas the following are equivalent to each other, so the meaning of the first one is probably not what was intended:
<BASE HREF="http://www.hut.fi/~jkorpela">
<BASE HREF="http://www.hut.fi/">

BASEFONT - base font size (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To specify the base font size (relatively to other sizes).

Typical rendering

BASEFONT sets the base (default) font size. The base font size applies to normal and preformatted text but not to headings, except where these are modified using the FONT element with a relative font size (eg FONT SIZE=+1).

It is not obvious whether it applies to tables. In Netscape, for example, BASEFONT does not affect the font size within tables. (Thus, to affect the font size within tables you must insert font changing elements into each cell!)

The actual font sizes used depend on the browser. See rendering notes about the FONT element.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning
SIZE string size of the font (1 - 7)

It is not obvious from the HTML 3.2 Reference Specification whether the SIZE attribute here follows the same rules as in the FONT element or has to be just an unsigned integer.

Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.




Example BASEFONT-1.html:

<P>This is text with default font size (3).</P>
<P>This is text with font size 5 with <FONT SIZE=1>some text</FONT>
inserted with font size 1.</P>


Avoid using BASEFONT, for reasons explained in the discussion of text markup in general.

Use FONT or, more preferably, SMALL or BIG to set font size locally (but notice that paragraph breaks are not allowed within FONT.)

BASEFONT can be regarded as a global counterpart for FONT with SIZE. In a sense, BODY with TEXT is a global counterpart for FONT with COLOR.

BIG - big font (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To present text in a large font.

Typical rendering

Larger than normal font. See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example BIG-1.html:

That was a <BIG>big</BIG> mistake!


Avoid using BIG; use logical markup instead. In particular, for emphasis use EM or STRONG.

See general notes on text markup, which provide additional examples.

It is unspecified what happens if BIG elements are nested; it might or might not result in using a font which is larger than you get with a single BIG.

The FONT element may provide more alternatives for specifying different font sizes.

BLOCKQUOTE - long quotation


To present a (typically long) quotation to be rendered as a block of its own (in contrast to shorter quotations imbedded into text paragraphs).

Typical rendering

As a separate paragraph (or sequence of paragraphs). Often indented (perhaps both at the left and at the right). Often in a font different from that of normal text, typically in italics.

Basic syntax

quoted text

Possible attributes


Allowed context

Block container.


Headings, text elements, block elements, and ADDRESS elements.


Example BLOCKQUOTE.html:

<P>The original context of the saying <I>O tempora, o mores</I> is
the following:</P>
O tempora, o mores!
Senatus haec intellegit. consul videt; hic tamen vivit.
Vivit? immo vero etiam in senatum venit, fit publici consilii particeps,
notat et designat oculis ad caedem unum quemque nostrum.
<A HREF="http://www.dla.utexas.edu/depts/classics/documents/Cic.html">
<A HREF="http://www.dla.utexas.edu/depts/classics/documents/cat1.html">
<CITE>Oratio in Catilinam Prima</CITE></A>, 2


Basically, a quotation is an exact copy of somebody's words. (However, exactness does not normally imply using the same layout and fonts.) If you explain somebody's opinions or reports in your own words, it is not a quotation and should be presented as normal text (without any special markup).

Since BLOCKQUOTE is a block element, it is normally used for relatively long quotations. As regards to short quotations to be presented with no paragraph breaks around them, present them using text level markup. In special cases, you might use CODE, SAMP, KBD or CITE, but in the general case you have to resort to specifying the physical presentation, eg using italics (I element) or quotes according to your preferences and the norms of the language you use. (There is no generic text-level element for quotations in HTML 3.2, mainly because the rules for presenting such quotations are different in different languages.)

If it is essential to have the text displayed as it is written (with respect to division into lines and the use of blanks and tabs), consider using PRE.

When describing man-machine interaction, use the specific elements CODE, SAMP and KBD for quotations of program code, program output, and keyboard input.

Do not use BLOCKQUOTE to achieve indentation. A browser may or may not use indentation to present BLOCKQUOTE.

It belongs to proper manners to specify the source of quotation in some suitable way. In several cases this is even required by the law (copyright legislation). If possible, provide a hyperlink to the source document on the Web in addition to specifying the source in the text.

The BLOCKQUOTE element itself provides no structured way of presenting source information. The example above presents one method of doing so.

If you do not like the font used by browsers for BLOCKQUOTE, there is not very much to be done; however, style sheets may change this. If you wish to enforce eg italics font to be used (if possible), using the I element, remember that as a text element it does not allow eg paragraph breaks (or a BLOCKQUOTE) within it, so you must use a separate I element within each paragraph (P element).

As an exception to quotations being exact reproductions of the quoted text, you may leave out words which are irrelevant in the context of the quotation even if they appear in the middle of the quoted text; in such cases you should indicate the omission clearly (the notations - - and ... are the most common ways of doing this). Be very careful in such omissions; it is easy, but quite inappropriate, to quote someone selectively so that he seems to say something very different from what he really said - perhaps even just the opposite. As another exception, when necessary you may add clarifying words but only to convey the original meaning appropriately, not to change it to conform to your own thoughts. Typically, you add the correlate of a pronoun like it. You should clearly indicate such clarifications as not being part of the original; the most common way to do this is to put them into square brackets.

BODY - document body


The basic structure of an HTML document always consists of a head and a body. It is not necessary to explicitly enclose the body into a BODY element, but by doing so one can specify attributes which affect the document as a whole (eg by setting background image or color).

Typical rendering

Using an explicit BODY element does not affect the document rendering, unless the element contains attributes.

Basic syntax

<BODY>document body</BODY>

Possible attributes (Not in HTML 2.0!)

attribute name possible values meaning
BGCOLOR color specification background color for the document
TEXT color specification color for the text of the document
LINK color specification color for unvisited hypertext links
VLINK color specification color for visited hypertext links
ALINK color specification color for active hypertext links; used to stroke the text for a link at the moment the user selects (eg clicks on) the link
BACKGROUND URL URL for an image to be used to tile the background.

Allowed context

The HTML element, which can be either implicit or explicit. Only one BODY element is allowed in a document, and it must appear after the document head (which can be implicit or explicit).


Headings, text elements, block elements, and ADDRESS elements.


Example BODY-1.html:

<H1>Sample document</H1>
This is just a trivial sample document. Its body contains first
a heading, then a paragraph, and nothing else.

Example BODY-2.html:

<H1>Sample document</H1>
This is also a trivial sample document. Its body contains first
a heading, then a paragraph, and then a paragraph containing a link.
However, the BODY element uses attributes to affect the
visual rendering.
This document was written by
<A HREF="http://www.hut.fi/~jkorpela/">Jukka Korpela</A>.

Example BODY-3.html:

<H1>Sample document</H1>
This document contains first
a heading, then a paragraph, and then a paragraph containing a link.
However, the BODY element uses attributes to affect the
visual rendering, including a background image.
This document was written by
<A HREF="http://www.hut.fi/~jkorpela/">Jukka Korpela</A>.


Only one BODY element is allowed in a document.

Be careful when playing with background images and colors. What looks cool on your screen might be disgusting on some other (or in someone else's opinion).

If you set some of the attributes BGCOLOR, TEXT, LINK, VLINK and ALINK, set them all. Otherwise eg your specified background color might coincide with user's default color for text.

Select the text color so that it works together with the background color or the colors of the background image. For instance, red on green can cause serious problems, because a significant number of people have difficulties in distinguishing them.

The text color can be affected locally by FONT elements with COLOR attribute. Background color cannot be set locally in HTML 3.2; if you want to use different backgrounds, you have to write separate HTML files (or use style sheets).

BR - line break


To force a line break.

Typical rendering

A line break (but not paragraph break).

Basic syntax


Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
CLEAR LEFT, RIGHT, ALL, NONE control of text flow default is NONE

The attribute can be used to move down past floating images on either margin. <BR CLEAR=LEFT> moves down past floating images on the left margin, <BR CLEAR=RIGHT> does the same for floating images on the right margin, while <BR CLEAR=ALL> does the same for such images on both left and right margins.

Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements.




A rather typical example where BR is used for getting some text into a line of its own:

Example BR-1.html:

You should always end the terminal session with the command
or some other operation with the same effect.


See notes on division into lines and the use of blanks and tabs.

The BR element can be used to simulate subparagraphs as explained in the description of the P element.

BR elements with CLEAR attribute are often needed when embedded images are used; see the description of the IMG element.

Some people use multiple BR elements to force whitespace. This need not work in all browsers. If you wish to force empty vertical space, consider using a suitable PRE element.

CAPTION - caption for a table (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To present a caption (title) for a table.

Typical rendering

Above or under the table itself, often but not necessarily using some special, more prominent font.

Usually the caption is horizontally centered. (HTML 3.2 provides no tool for changing the browser behavior in this respect.)

Basic syntax


Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
ALIGN TOP, BOTTOM placement of the caption relative to the table usually the default is TOP

Allowed context

TABLE element. If present, the CAPTION element must appear first, before the TR elements.


Text elements.


<CAPTION>Summary of measurement results</CAPTION>
<CAPTION><EM>Mean temperatures</EM></CAPTION>


You should normally include a caption into each table. The caption text should be relatively short, yet informative. Avoid inserting explanations into a caption. Give the explanations within normal text paragraphs. A caption should tell what the table is about. In normal text should tell why the table is presented, ie how the table relates to the text of the document.

See the discussion of tables, which contains additional examples, too.

Some browsers (eg Netscape) do not render the caption in a visually distinctive manner. Using phrase markup such as EM or STRONG within the CAPTION element may therefore be desirable.

CENTER - centering (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To specify that part of a document to be centered in the rendering.

Typical rendering


Basic syntax

a section of the document

Possible attributes


Allowed context

Block container.


Headings, text elements, block elements, and ADDRESS elements.


Example CENTER.html:

This is a normal paragraph which will be rendered according to
default alignments, which usually means left alignment.
This is text which will be centered.
This is a longer text paragraph which will be centered.
It is so long that line breaks will most probably occur.
Notice that the division into lines is usually not the same
as in the HTML file.


Using ALIGN attribute in P and heading elements is preferrable to using DIV.

CENTER is defined as equivalent to DIV with ALIGN=CENTER. CENTER was introduced by Netscape before they added support for the DIV element. It is retained in HTML 3.2 on account of its widespread deployment.

Since CENTER is a block element, it terminates an open P element (ie causes the browser to assume an implied </P> tag when necessary). Other than this, user agents are not expected to render paragraph breaks before and after CENTER elements. If paragraph breaks are desired, you can use the P element with an ALIGN attribute instead.

CITE - citations


To present a citation or reference to other sources, such as a book title. See notes below.

Typical rendering

In italics. When such rendering is impossible, a browser might use underlining (Lynx does so) or quotes around the citation. See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


A simple example, referring to a book by its title:

Example CITE-1.html:

I learned this from <CITE>The Origin of Species</CITE>.


On the basic nature of CITE: There are different opinions and practices on whether CITE is to be used for such citations as titles of books only or for quoting sentences or words in general. The official documents are laconic: for example, HTML 3.2 Reference Specification says that CITE is "used for citations or references to other sources". Typically dictionaries say that citation is roughly synonymous with quotation. However, the intended interpretation seems to be that CITE is for the names of external sources (books, articles, documents etc), not for actual extracts (quotations) from them.

Accepting this, the question arises how quotations are to be presented within text. (For quotations to be presented as separate paragraphs, or even sequences of paragraphs, BLOCKQUOTE is the natural choice.) You can either use quotation marks according to the rules of the language in which your own document is written, or some other suitable method, such as italics, ie the I element. The latter is often suitable for very short (eg single-word) quotations.

CODE - program code


To present program code.

Typical rendering

Monospaced. See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


The following example discusses the C programming language, referring to a particular expression in that language:

Example CODE-1.html:

Expressions like <CODE>a[i++] + b[i++]</CODE> should not be used,
since they cause undefined behavior.


As usual in HTML, division into lines and the use of blanks and tabs is selected by the browser, not honoring the one in the HTML file. Thus, large program codes are more suitably presented using the PRE element or as separate text files to which you have links in HTML files.

See also notes on presenting interaction with computer and general remarks on phrase elements.

DD - definition data


To provide a definition for a term in a definition list (DL element)

Typical rendering

Indented and presented as a separate piece of text attached to the corresponding definition term.

Basic syntax


The end tag </DD> can always be omitted, and it usually is omitted.

Possible attributes


Allowed context

DL element.


Block elements. Notice that heading and ADDRESS elements are not allowed. On the other hand, lists are allowed.


An example which does not say very much:
<DD>See RFC 822.</DD>

For more realistic examples, see the description of the DL element.


Some people use DD as such, outside any DL element, to get some text indented. This violates the specifications and does not work in general.

DFN - defining occurrence (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To indicate that a term (or phrase) appears in a context where it is defined.

Typical rendering

Obviously the element should we presented with some kind of distinction from normal text, such as italic or bold italic, but unfortunately many browsers, including Netscape, do not effectively support it: they present DFN as normal text.

See also general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example DFN-1.html:

<DFN>Ichthyology</DFN> is the branch of natural science which
studies fish.


Since current implementations do not effectively support DFN, as explained above, it is probably best to present defining occurrences using either EM or STRONG.

The HTML 2.0 specification does not include DFN but mentions it as an element which "has been deployed to some extent".

See also general remarks on phrase elements.

DIR - unnumbered list in directory-like form


To present information in a directory-like format. The HTML 2.0 specification says that DIR represents a list of short items, typically up to 20 characters each.

Typical rendering

In practise, most browsers present a DIR element exactly the same way as an UL element.

Theoretically, the recommendation has been and still is that DIR element be rendered as a multicolumn directory list.

Basic syntax

<LI> list item 1
<LI> list item 2

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning
COMPACT COMPACT reduced interim spacing

Allowed context

Block container.


LI elements which do not contain block elements.


A very small list:

Example DIR-1.html:

A larger list of very small elements (typically this is not rendered in a suitable manner):

Example DIR-2.html:

See also Examples of various list elements in HTML.


See general notes about list elements for a discussion of selecting between them.

DIV - document division for alignment purposes (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To specify document division so that different alignments (left, center, right) can be used in different parts of the document.

Typical rendering

The part of document is aligned according to the ALIGN attribute of the element.

Basic syntax

<DIV ALIGN=alignment>
a section of the document

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning
ALIGN LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT alignment of text within the element

The ALIGN attribute specifies the default alignment; it can be overridden by ALIGN attributes in enclosed elements (eg P elements).

Allowed context

Block container.


Headings, text elements, block elements, and ADDRESS elements.


Example DIV-1.html:

This is a normal paragraph which will be rendered according to
default alignments, which usually means left alignment.
This is text which will be centered.
This is a longer text paragraph which will be centered.
It is so long that line breaks will most probably occur.
Notice that the division into lines is usually not the same
as in the HTML file.
The following example shows how to present (poetic) text as centered and with a particular division into lines:

Example DIV-2.html:

Mieleni minun tekevi<BR>
aivoni ajattelevi<BR>
lähteäni laulamahan<BR>
saa'ani sanelemahan.<BR>


Using ALIGN attribute in P and heading elements is usually preferrable to using DIV.

Since DIV is a block-like element, it terminates an open P element (ie causes the browser to assume an implied </P> tag when necessary). Other than this, user agents are not expected to render paragraph breaks before and after DIV elements. If paragraph breaks are desired, you can use the P element with an ALIGN attribute instead.

DL - definition or description list


To present a list of definitions for terms or a list of descriptions or other information related to names or phrases.

Typical rendering

A list where the terms are distinguished by means of layout or font usage or both. The rendering should support the association of each definition with the corresponding term. Typically the term is flush left while the definition is somewhat indented, but without bullets of any know.

Basic syntax

<DT>term 1<DD>definition of term 1
<DT>term 2<DD>definition of term 2

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning
COMPACT COMPACT more compact style of rendering

Allowed context

Block container.


DT and DD elements.

Normally you have pairs of DL and DD elements, of course. Multiple DT elements may be paired with a single DD element; this means that several terms share the same definition. A document should not contain multiple consecutive DD elements.


Example DL.html:

  <DT>Recursion, indirect
  <DD>See <I>indirect recursion</I>.
  <DT>Indirect recursion
  <DD>See <I>recursion, indirect</I>.
See also: Examples of various list elements in HTML.


Since DL elements are often rendered in an awkward manner, the only reason for using them instead of the more general TABLE element is that there are still some browsers which do not support TABLE.

See also: general notes about list elements.

DT - definition term


To present a term in a definition list (DL element).

Typical rendering

Distinguished from normal text by means of layout or font usage or both.

Basic syntax


The end tag </DT> can always be omitted, and it usually is omitted.

Possible attributes


Allowed context

DL element.


Text elements.


An example which does not say very much:
<DT>Terminus technicus.</DT>

For more realistic examples, see the description of the DL element.

EM - emphasis


To emphasize.

Typical rendering

In italics. If this is impossible, a browser might use eg underlining (Lynx does so). See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example EM-1.html:

The EM element is <EM>logical</EM> markup as opposite to
<EM>physical</EM> markup such as the I element.


Avoid emphasizing too much; emphasizing everything is tantamount no not emphasizing anything.

You can use STRONG for stronger emphasis.

See also general remarks on phrase elements.

FONT - font size and color (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To specify font size (relatively to other sizes) or font color or both.

Typical rendering

The actual font size and color used to present the contents of the FONT element may be affected, but it depends on the browser; see general notes on rendering markup.

A browser may provide a user option for defining which font is to be used and which physical font size shall be used to correspond to the default font size (3) in HTML. Setting the font size in HTML may decrease or increase the actual font size used, in a browser dependent manner.

Basic syntax

<FONT SIZE=n>text</FONT>


<FONT COLOR=colorspec>text</FONT>

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
SIZE string size of the font, either a number in the range 1 - 7 or a signed integer like "+1" or "-2" signed value is added to the current base font size as set by BASEFONT to produce a size number in the range 1 - 7
COLOR color specification color to be used for the contents  

Some user agents also support a FACE attribute which accepts a comma separated list of font names in order of preference. This is used to search for an installed font with the corresponding name.

Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements.


Example FONT-1.html:

This is some text <FONT SIZE=-1>including text which may appear
in a smaller font</FONT>.
This is an attempt to present one
<B><U><FONT SIZE=7 COLOR=RED>word</FONT></U></B>
very prominently: in bold face, underlined, in the largest font
available, and in red.


Avoid using FONT, for reasons explained in the discussion of text markup in general. (As regards to criticism of FONT in particular, see Warren Steel's What's wrong with the <FONT> element?.) Specifically, if you need to change font sizes, try to live with SMALL and BIG only.

Use BASEFONT to set font size for a large part of the document. (Notice that paragraph breaks are not allowed within FONT.)

The attributes in the BODY tag can be used to set the background color or the default text font color or both. Of course you should not use the background color for text!

A browser need not implement FONT so that SIZE values 1 - 7 all correspond to different font sizes. The implementation of FONT on some popular browsers is as follows:

You may wish to use a separate file for checking the visual appearance of the different markup elements on your browser to see how it displays different font sizes. Consult information about color specifications for color samples, or a separate file containing text in 16 colors corresponding to the predefined color names.

There are two kinds of relativity involved in font sizes. First, in HTML we refer to font sizes with numbers in the range 1 - 7 which are in some browser and device dependent manner mapped to physical sizes (expressed eg in pixels, points or millimeters). The mapping is usually not linear; you should not assume that eg font size 3 is half of font size 6. Second, the way in which the font size (in the HTML meaning) is specified in the SIZE attribute can be relative; for instance, SIZE="+1" (which is quite different from SIZE="1" or SIZE=1) means the current base font size plus one, and the sum itself is relative in the sense explained above.

FORM - fill-out form


To present a fill-out form to be used for user actions such as registration, ordering, or queries. Forms can contain a wide range of HTML markup including several kinds of form fields such as single and multi-line text fields, radio button groups, checkboxes, and menus.

Typical rendering

Something that more or less resembles a fill-out form on paper.

Basic syntax

contents of the form, including INPUT elements and possibly TEXTAREA and SELECT elements

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
ACTION URL address of the server-side form handler an HTTP server or a mailto: URL
METHOD GET, POST HTTP method (as defined in the HTTP specification) to be used to send the contents of the form to the server (when the ACTION attribute specifies an HTTP server) default is GET
ENCTYPE string mechanism used to encode the contents of the form default is application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Details on handling forms are specified in RFC 1867.

Allowed context

Block container.


Anything that is allowed within a document body (ie headings, text elements, block elements, and ADDRESS elements), with the exception that no FORM element is allowed within a FORM element.

Notice in particular that there are some elements which may only appear within a FORM element. They can be used for various purposes as follows:

single line text fields, password fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, submit and reset buttons, hidden fields, file upload, image buttons, etc
single or multiple choice menus
multi-line text fields.


A trivial example. This is hardly better than a simple mailto: link (using A element), but it hopefully illustrates the structure of form specifications in a very simple case. Very probably this form does not actually work; see note below.

Example FORM-1.html:

Tell me what you think about my document:

<FORM ACTION="mailto:Jukka.Korpela@hut.fi" METHOD=POST>
The following more complicated example contains, in addition to an area for free text input, a selection menu. This might in principle be a good idea to get evaluations, but it too might not work in practise.

Example FORM-2.html:

<FORM ACTION="mailto:Jukka.Korpela@hut.fi" METHOD=POST>
Please tell your opinion about the overall quality of
this document:
<SELECT NAME=evaluation>
<OPTION>Very poor
<OPTION>Rather poor
<OPTION>Rather good
<OPTION>Very good
You can also be more specific by writing a few comments:


You can have more than one form in the same document.

For very simple forms, you can also use the ISINDEX element.

Although the HTML 3.2 specification allows the ACTION attribute to refer to a mailto:, providing an easy way of creating forms for submitting information via E-mail, notice that this facility is not yet generally supported. For example, the code in our first example does not work in Netscape, since it invokes its internal E-mail composer from scratch, ignoring the way in which the form has been filled! On the other hand, eg Lynx does a better job. Generally you must take into account that the generated E-mail message is in an encoded form, although not completely illegible; the contents of the message it might look like following (in the case of example 2 above, when the user selected the option Rather poor and typed the text Too few examples.):


H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 - headings


To specify a heading. There are six levels of headers from H1 (the most important) to H6 (the least important).

Typical rendering

More important headings are generally rendered in a larger font than less important ones. H1 headings are often very large font, whereas H6 can be tiny (smaller than normal text!).

Basic syntax

<Hn>heading text</Hn>

where n is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.

Possible attributes (Not in HTML 2.0!)

attribute name possible values meaning
ALIGN LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT alignment of the heading

The default is left alignment, but this can be overridden by an enclosing DIV or CENTER element.

Allowed context

Block container.


Text elements.


Example H-1.html:

<H1>Notes on General Relativity</H1>

Example H-2.html:

<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>The story of my life</H1>
<H3>General remarks</H3>

There is a separate file which contains headings of all levels.


Use H1, H2, and H3 headings consistently. Avoid using H4, H5 and H6 at all. Consult the general structure recommendations for the reasons and details.

In particular, don't use eg H5 or H6 to cause text to be presented in a small font just because some browsers present them so. Other browsers - or even future versions of those browsers - may well adopt the more reasonable view that even the lowest level headings should be presented at least as prominently as normal text. If small font is what you really want, use the SMALL (or FONT) element.

HEAD - document head


The basic structure of an HTML document always consists of a head and a body. It is not necessary to explicitly enclose the head into a HEAD element.

Typical rendering

Using an explicit HEAD element does not affect the document rendering.

Basic syntax

TITLE element

Both the start and end tags can be omitted.

Possible attributes


Allowed context

The HTML element, which can be either implicit or explicit. Only one HEAD element is allowed in a document, and it must appear before the document body (which can be implicit or explicit).


Exactly one TITLE element, and optionally (in any order)


<TITLE>Getting started with Perl</TITLE>


The explicit use of a HEAD element has no other effect than making it explicit (to the readder of the HTML code) which part of the document belongs to the head section.

HR - change in topic (horizontal rule)


To indicate change in topic, eg in order to separate sections of a document.

Typical rendering

A horizonal rule (full-width by default). Not necessarily preceded with or followed by vertical white space, so you may wish to consider the effect of adding a P tag before and after an HR tag.

In a speech based user agent, the tag could be rendered as a pause.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes (Not in HTML 2.0!)

attribute name possible values meaning notes
ALIGN LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER horizontal alignment of the rule default is CENTER
NOSHADE NOSHADE requests the rule to be rendered in a solid color as opposite to the traditional two-color "groove"
SIZE integer height of the rule, in pixels  
WIDTH width specification width of the rule  

Allowed context

Block container.




Example HR-1.html:

Some text, followed by a basic (default) horizontal rule.
Some other text.

Example HR-2.html:

A horizontal rule placed at the right and half the width of
the document layout:
An example with all possible spices: placed at left,
solid rule (no shading), height 5 pixels, width 100 pixels:


Don't overuse HR. The document may not look good if you have a lot of rules with just a little text between.

It is usually better to use a percentage specification than absolute number of pixels. The user's window might be very different from yours.

HTML - the top-level element in HTML


Essentially, an HTML file in its entirety is an HTML element, but usually the start and end tags are omitted. See the description of the basic structure of HTML documents.

Typical rendering

Using an explicit HTML element does not affect the document rendering.

Basic syntax

the document head and body

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning
VERSION string version of HTML

Allowed context

(The HTML element is the top level element in the HTML language. See the description of the basic structure of HTML documents.)


HEAD followed by BODY.


Example hello.html:

Hello world


If used, the start and end HTML tags must go around the entire document but directly after the DOCTYPE declaration.

I - text in italics


To present text in italics.

Typical rendering

Italics. See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example I-1.html:

Usually the dog is said to form the species <I>Canis familiaris</I>,
but genetically dogs belong to the same species as the wolf,
<I>Canis lupus</I>.


Although the I element is physical markup and logical markup is to be preferred in general, there is a lot of use for I, particularly because there is no text-level element for quotations in general in HTML 3.2. See notes about this in the description of CITE.

However, don't overuse the I element. In particular, for emphasis use EM or STRONG, and for variables (placeholders) use VAR. See general notes on text markup.

Words and phrases taken as such from other languages (than the language in which the document is written), such as status quo, Weltanschauung or sauna, are oftem presented in italics. However, the more common the word or phrase is (in your text or in your language in general), the less the reader benefits from designating them as foreign and the more he may be disturbed by the frequent occurrence of different fonts in the text.

In linguistics, when referring to words and phrases as in "the plural of ox is oxen", it is normal to use italics. (HTML 2.0 suggests the use of SAMP for such purposes, but that would be unnatural.)

The rules for scientific names for organisms say that the names should be written in italics if possible, so it is natural to write them within I elements. The same applies to symbols of physical quantities such as F for force; the VAR element might sound suitable, but I elements are rendered in the required way, in italics, more probably than VAR elements are.

IMG - inline images


To include an image into the document.

Typical rendering

The image is presented as part of the document. Notice that the quality of presentation may vary a lot. Non-graphical browsers present the value of the ALT attribute instead.

The positioning of the image is affected by the attributes of the IMG element.

Basic syntax

<IMG SRC="URL" ALT="text">

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
SRC URL address of the image obligatory; see notes on graphics formats
ALT string text description of the image
ALIGN TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT positioning of the image relative to the current textline default is BOTTOM
HEIGHT integer suggested height, in pixels suggestion only
WIDTH integer suggested width, in pixels suggestion only
BORDER integer suggested line border width, in pixels relevant when the IMG element appears as an anchor text; use BORDER=0 to suppress the border
HSPACE integer suggested horizontal gutter (width of white space to the immediate left and right of the image), in pixels default value is a small non-zero number
VSPACE integer suggested vertical gutter (height of white space above and below the image), in pixels default value is a small non-zero number
USEMAP URL fragment identifier for a client-side image map maps are defined with the MAP element; names of maps are case sensitive
ISMAP ISMAP indicates that the image is a clickable image map when the user clicks on the image, this attribute causes the cursor location to be passed to the server.

Attributes HEIGHT, WIDTH, HSPACE, VSPACE, and USEMAP were not in HTML 2.0!

The WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes, when used together, allow user agents to reserve screen space for the image before the image data has arrived over the network. This may imply faster formatting and allow the user start reading while data transfer is still in progress. These attributes were not designed for automatic resizing of images by browsers, although some browsers Thus they should specify the true size of the image. (Use a suitable program, such as xv on many Unix systems, for finding out the size in pixels.)

The different values of ALIGN have the following meanings:

Positions the top of the image with the top of the current text line. User agents vary in how they interpret this. Some only take into account what has occurred on the text line prior to the IMG element and ignore what happens after it.
Aligns the middle of the image with the baseline for the current textline.
ALIGN=BOTTOM (default)
Aligns the bottom of the image with the baseline.
Floats the image to the current left margin, temporarily changing this margin, so that subsequent text is flowed along the image's righthand side. The rendering depends on whether there is any left aligned text or images that appear earlier than the current image in the markup. Such text (but not images) generally forces left aligned images to wrap to a new line, with the subsequent text continuing on the former line.
Floats the image to the current right margin, temporarily changing this margin, so that subsequent text is flowed along the image's lefthand side. The rendering depends on whether there is any right aligned text or images that appear earlier than the current image in the markup. Such text (but not images) generally forces right aligned images to wrap to a new line, with the subsequent text continuing on the former line.

Note that some browsers (eg Internet Explorer 2.0 and 3.0) introduce spurious spacing with multiple left or right aligned images. As a result authors can't depend on this being the same for browsers from different vendors. See BR for ways to control text flow.

As regards to ISMAP, here is an example of how you use it:

<a href="/cgibin/navbar.map"><img src=navbar.gif ismap border=0></a>

The location clicked is passed to the server as follows. The user agent derives a new URL from the URL specified by the HREF attribute by appending a question mark (?), the x coordinate, a comma (,), and and the y coordinate of the location, with coordinates expressed in in pixels. The link is then followed using the new URL. For instance, if the user clicked at at the location x=10, y=27 then the derived URL will be: "/cgibin/navbar.map?10,27". - It is generally a good idea to suppress the border (using the attribute BORDER=0) and use graphical idioms to indicate that the image is clickable.

Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements.




A basic example:

Example IMG-1.html:

<IMG SRC="Yucca.jpg" ALT="[Picture of Yucca]" WIDTH=110 HEIGHT=168>
<IMG SRC="Yucca.jpg" ALT="[Picture of Yucca]" WIDTH=110 HEIGHT=168
This is a simple example of embedding images.
This paragraph should be displayed, in a graphical browser,
with an image at the right,
and before this paragraph the same image should appear
separately, with default alignment.

Using IMG with ISMAP, to create a clickable map:

Example IMG-2.html:

<A HREF="http://www.hut.fi/cgi-bin/imagemap/Pictures/English/english.map">
<IMG HEIGHT="400" WIDTH="400"
 ALT="Helsinki University of Technology" ISMAP>


See the general discussion of images, formulas, etc, which contains additional examples.

If you want a picture appear at the left (or right) of a text paragraph, you should put an IMG element at the beginning of the paragraph (P element). Otherwise the result may look messy. Moreover, it is good practise to have a BR element with the CLEAR attribute at the end of such a paragraph, to avoid confusing effects.

The semantics and intended use of the ALT attribute is vague. It might be viewed as a recommended way of providing a textual presentation of the contents of an image, to be used in text-only browsers, speech-based user agents etc. However, much more typically it contains a verbal explanation of an image - a title or perhaps just a name for the image. And it is often difficult to say how it could be more explanatory, since the syntax restricts the value to be just a string with no HTML markup. Moreover, graphic browsers vary in their treatment of ALT attributes in the situation where the user has turned off automatic image loading: some browsers display the ALT value, others may display a small generic image which says very little. - A. J. Flavell has written an extensive document Use of ALT texts in IMGs.

INPUT - input fields in forms


To specify, within a form, input fields such as single line text fields, password fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, submit and reset buttons, hidden fields, file upload, image buttons, etc.

Typical rendering

Varies according to the field type.

Basic syntax

<INPUT TYPE=inputtype other_attributes>

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
NAME string name to be used to identify the field when submitting the contents to the server required for all but SUBMIT and RESET
VALUE string initial value of the input field; when TYPE is SUBMIT or RESET, provides a textual label obligatory, if TYPE is RADIO or CHECKBOX
CHECKED CHECKED when TYPE is RADIO or CHECKBOX, initializes the field to checked state  
SIZE integer visible size of the field, as number of average character widths  
MAXLENGTH integer maximum number of characters permitted in a text field default is: no limit
SRC URL address of an image for fields with background images
ALIGN TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT image alignment for graphical submit buttons as ALIGN in IMG; default is BOTTOM

The different values of the TYPE attribute correspond to different kinds of input fields as follows.

TYPE=TEXT (the default)

A single line text field whose visible size can be set using the SIZE attribute, eg SIZE=40 for a 40 characters wide field. Users should be able to type more than this limit though with the text scrolling through the field to keep the input cursor in view. You can enforce an upper limit on the number of characters that can be entered with the MAXLENGTH attribute. The NAME attribute is used to name the field, while the VALUE attribute can be used to initialize the text string shown in the field when the document is first loaded.

Notice that text input is restricted to a single line. Use the TEXTAREA element to define multi-line text fields.


    <INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=40 NAME=user value="your name">

This is like TYPE=TEXT but echoes characters using a character like * to hide the text from prying eyes when entering passwords. You can use SIZE and MAXLENGTH attributes to control the visible and maximum length exactly as for regular text fields.




Used for simple Boolean attributes, or for attributes that can take multiple values at the same time. The latter is represented by several checkbox fields with the same NAME and a different VALUE attribute. Each checked checkbox generates a separate name/value pair in the submitted data, even if this results in duplicate names. Use the CHECKED attribute to initialize the checkbox to its checked state.




Used for attributes which can take a single value from a set of alternatives. Each radio button field in the group should be given the same NAME attribute. Radio buttons require an explicit VALUE attribute. Only the checked radio button in the group generates a name/value pair in the submitted data. One radio button in each group should be initially checked (thus providing a default value) using the CHECKED attribute.




This defines a button that users can click to submit the contents of the form to the server. A label is set for the button from the VALUE attribute. If the NAME attribute is given, then the name/value pair for the submit button will be included in the submitted data. You can include several submit buttons in the form. See TYPE=IMAGE for graphical submit buttons.


    <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Party on ...">


This defines a button that users can click to reset form fields to their initial state when the document was first loaded. You can set a label by providing a VALUE attribute. Reset buttons are never sent as part of the contents of a form.


    <INPUT TYPE=RESET VALUE="Start over ...">


This provides a means for users to attach a file to the contents of the form. The element is generally rendered as a text field and an associated button which, when clicked, invokes a file browser to select a file name. The file name can also be entered directly in the text field.

Just like for TYPE=TEXT you can use the SIZE attribute to set the visible width of this field in average character widths. You can set an upper limit to the length of file names using the MAXLENGTH attribute. Some user agents support the ability to restrict the kinds of files that can be attached to ones matching a comma separated list of MIME content types given with the ACCEPT attribute so that eg ACCEPT="image/*" restricts files to images. Further information can be found in RFC 1867.



This indicates that the field should not be rendered to the user. A hidden field provides a means for servers to store state information with a form. This will be passed back to the server when the form is submitted, using the name/value pair defined by the corresponding attributes. This is a workaround for the statefulness of HTTP and an alternative to using so-called HTTP cookies.


    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=customerid VALUE="c2415-345-8563">


This is used for graphical submit buttons rendered by an image rather than a text string. The URL for the image is specified with the SRC attribute. The image alignment can be specified with the ALIGN attribute. In this respect, graphical submit buttons are treated identically to IMG elements (so you can set ALIGN to LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, MIDDLE or BOTTOM). The NAME and VALUE attributes are treated the same as for textual submit buttons and should be provided for the benefit of non-graphical user agents.


    <INPUT TYPE=IMAGE SRC="partyon.gif" VALUE="Party on ...">

Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. However, the text container must appear within a FORM element.




<INPUT TYPE=RESET VALUE="Start over ...">


The use of INPUT for text input is restricted to single line fields. Use TEXTAREA to define multi-line text fields.

Use SELECT for menus.

ISINDEX - simple keyword searches


Simple keyword searches. The user agent should provide a single line text input field for entering a query string.

The semantics for ISINDEX are currently well defined only when the base URL for the enclosing document is an HTTP URL. Typically, when the user presses the enter (return) key, the query string is sent to the server identified by the base URL for this document. For example, if the query string entered is "ten green apples" and the base URL is:


then the query generated is:

The ISINDEX element only provides an interface to a program (typically, a CGI script) which interprets the query. Merely inserting an ISINDEX element does not make the document searchable! (On the other hand, notice that most Web browsers provide some "search in this document" feature, so you need not take any special efforts in order to allow your readers perform simple searches within a document.)

Basic syntax


Typical rendering

An input area (in graphical browsers, an input box) prefixed with a prompt string.

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning
PROMPT string prompt message

The PROMPT attribute can be used to specify a prompt string for the input field, replacing a browser-dependent default prompt string (which might be eg This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords).

Allowed context

At most one ISINDEX element may appear in a document, either in the head or in the body.




This demonstrates the use of ISINDEX for interfacing to a "finger" script. The script itself is not discussed here, but it is of course essential that it can handle the queries generated.

Example ISINDEX.html:

<BASE HREF="http://www.hut.fi/cgi-bin/finger">
Searching for a user at <a href="http://www.hut.fi/">HUT</a>.
<ISINDEX PROMPT="User id at HUT:">


For more flexibility, use the newer FORM element instead.

There are no restrictions on the number of characters that can be entered in the query string.

In practice, the query string is restricted to Latin-1 as there is no current mechanism for the URL to specify a character set for the query.

When the query is generated from the input, space characters are mapped to "+" characters, and normal URL character escaping mechanisms apply. For further details see the HTTP specification.

KBD - keyboard input


To present a particular command or data string to be entered by the user. Typically this is used in instruction manuals.

Typical rendering

Monospaced. See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example KBD-1.html:

Finally, type <KBD>logout</KBD> and press the return key.


Use the KBD element for fixed strings only. To indicate input which varies from one case to another, use the VAR element.

Although program code might be regarded as keyboard input (to be typed by a programmer), especially in the context of teaching programming, it is more natural to use the CODE element for code fragments.

It is arguable whether one should use the KBD element for command names (or names of programs) as well, even when they do not appear in a context which discusses how commands are given. One might say that a command name like ls (in Unix) is just a name, not keyboard input. But I recommend using KBD, since it is difficult and sometimes quite artificial to distinguish eg ls as keyboard input (or part of it) and as the name of a command (or program). Notice that when a command name appears at the beginning of a statement, grammar rules require a capital initial which might be misleasing (by suggesting to the user that the case of letters in irrelevant on keyboard input); by using KBD - usually rendered using a monospaced font, and therefore distinguishing the command name from normal text - we make it more acceptable to violate the grammar rule.

As usual in HTML, division into lines and the use of blanks and tabs is selected by the browser, not honoring the one in the HTML file. Be careful in telling the user when he should press the return or enter key, since this may not correspond to the visual layout of your instructions.

See also notes on presenting interaction with computer and general remarks on phrase elements.

LI - list item


To present an item in a list.

Typical rendering

The rendering depends on the nature of the enclosing list.

Basic syntax

<LI>contents of the list item</LI>

The end tag </LI> can always be omitted, and it usually is omitted.

Possible attributes (Not in HTML 2.0!)

The attributes depend on the context as follows.

When the (innermost) enclosing list element is UL or DIR or MENU:
attribute name possible values meaning

When the (innermost) enclosing list element is OL:
attribute name possible values meaning
TYPE 1, a, A, i, I numbering style (as in OL)
VALUE integer sequence number (see OL)

Allowed context

UL, DIR, MENU, or OL element.


Block elements and text elements. Notice that heading and ADDRESS elements are not allowed.


An example which does not say very much:
<LI>A list item.</LI>

For more realistic examples, see Examples of various list elements in HTML and examples given in the descriptions of UL, DIR, MENU,and OL element.


LI elements may contain lists, producing nested lists.

The list of bullet types was chosen to cater for the original bullet shapes used by Mosaic in 1993. The list is not very logical. Usually the default bullet type in UL lists is DISC, if the list is not within an UL list, and SQUARE and CIRCLE in the next levels of nesting. In Lynx, the situation is similar with the shapes DISC, SQUARE, and CIRCLE presented as star (*), plus (+) and letter o.

It is hard to imagine any good use for the TYPE attribute in a LI element, as opposite to defining the bullet type for all items of a list in a UL element or other list element.

LINK - relationships with other documents


To specify relationships with other documents. Currently this element is not very useful, since few browsers or other programs make use of it. LINK elements could be used for very important things such as

Typical rendering

The LINK elements do directly affect the rendering of the document itself. They might have some effect on the presentation of information about the document, eg on the browser window elsewhere than in the display of the document itself. Moreover, if a LINK element is used to specify a style sheet, the effect on rendering can be very important.

Basic syntax

<LINK REL=relation HREF=URL>


<LINK REV=relation HREF=URL>

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning
HREF URL URL for linked resource
REL string type of "forward" link
REV string type of "reverse" link
TITLE string advisory title string for the linked resource

A link from document A to document B with REV=relation expresses the same relationship as a link from B to A with REL=relation.

Allowed context

The head element, in which any number of LINK elements may appear.




A link element which specifies a style sheet to be used:
A simple LINK element providing authorship information:
<LINK REV=MADE HREF="mailto:jukka.korpela@hut.fi">
Some LINK elements which might appear in a large document divided into separate but interlinked HTML files:
<LINK REL=NEXT HREF="doc33.html">


A LINK element with REV=MADE is sometimes used to identify the document author, either the author's email address with a mailto URL (as in the example above), or a link to the author's home page. Although few programs make any use of such information, it can be useful to include it. Notice that the information is not shown to the reader of the document (unless he specifically requests to see the HTML code, of course), so you should additionally provide such information using the ADDRESS element, for example.

There was an Internet Draft, draft-ietf-html-relrev-00.txt, on proposed relationship values. (Officially the draft has been withdrawn.) Some of the most common (mentioned in the HTML 3.2 Reference Specification) are:

attribute settingtype of link (role of linked resource)
REL=CONTENTS A document serving as a table of contents.
REL=INDEX A document providing an index for the current document.
REL=GLOSSARY A document providing a glossary of terms that pertain to the current document.
REL=COPYRIGHT A copyright statement for the current document.
REL=NEXT The next document to visit in a guided tour.
REL=PREVIOUS The previous document in a guided tour.
REL=HELP A document offering help, eg describing the wider context and offering further links to relevant documents. This is aimed at reorienting users who have lost their way.
REL=BOOKMARK A bookmark, used to provide direct links to key entry points into an extended document. The TITLE attribute may be used to label the bookmark. Several bookmarks may be defined in each document, and provide a means for orienting users in extended documents.

The above list is just an extract from a withdrawn draft. But if you intend to write new software which uses LINK elements or if you want to include such elements into your document just in case some program happens to make use of them, then conformance to the above list is probably better than reinventing the wheel.

In conjunction with style sheets, a LINK element with REL=STYLESHEET can be used.

MAP - clickable map (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To provide a mechanism for client-side image maps. A MAP element has a name through which it can be referred to in an IMG element. A MAP element contains AREA elements which specify hotzones on the associated image and bind these hotzones to URLs.

Typical rendering

The visual appearance of the document is not directly affected by a MAP element, but the element, together with associated structures, makes an image into a clickable map.

Basic syntax

AREA elements

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
NAME string a name for the map, referrable to in USEMAP attributes of IMG elements case sensitive

Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements.


AREA elements.


A simple example for a graphical navigational toolbar:
<IMG SRC="navbar.gif" BORDER=0 USEMAP="#map1">

<MAP NAME="map1">
 <AREA HREF="guide.html" ALT="Access Guide" SHAPE=RECT COORDS="0,0,118,28">
 <AREA HREF="search.html" ALT="Search" SHAPE=RECT COORDS="184,0,276,28">
 <AREA HREF="shortcut.html" ALT="Go" SHAPE=RECT COORDS="118,0,184,28">
 <AREA HREF="top10.html" ALT="Top Ten" SHAPE=RECT COORDS="276,0,373,28">


See the description of IMG for another example of a clickable map.

MENU - unnumbered list in menu-like form


To present information in a menu-like format.

Typical rendering

In practise, most browsers present a MENU element exactly the same way as an UL element.

Theoretically, the recommendation has been and still is that MENU element be rendered as a single column menu list.

Basic syntax

<LI> list item 1
<LI> list item 2

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning
COMPACT COMPACT reduced interim spacing

Allowed context

Block container.


LI elements which do not contain block elements.


Example MENU.html:

<LI> Undo
<LI> Cut
<LI> Copy
<LI> Paste
<LI> Find
<LI> Find Again
See also Examples of various list elements in HTML.


See general notes about list elements for a discussion of selecting between them.

The name of the element might be misleading. There is no true selection menu involved, just a display of menu keywords. To present a true selection menu you can use hyperlink anchors (A elements). See the section Using tables to represent menus.

META - meta info


To supply meta info (information about the document) as name-value pairs describing properties of the document, such as author, expiry date, a list of key words etc.

It depends on programs (eg browsers) processing HTML files what they do with the info.

Typical rendering

None. The META elements do not affect the rendering of the document itself. They might have some effect on the presentation of information about the document, eg on the browser window elsewhere than in the display of the document itself, or in the query reports from search engines (see below for AltaVista behavior).

Basic syntax

<META NAME=info item name CONTENT=info contents>
<META HTTP-EQUIV=info item name CONTENT=info contents>

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
NAME name meta information item name alternative to HTTP-EQUIV attribute
HTTP-EQUIV name meta information item name alternative to NAME attribute
CONTENT string meta information contents a META element must contain this attribute

Allowed context

The head element, in which any number of META elements may appear.




"An extensive guide to writing HTML 3.2 documents,
with examples and practical advice.">
<META NAME=KEYWORDS CONTENT="structural HTML, logical markup">


AltaVista, the most famous Web search engine, recognizes META elements with NAME values DESCRIPTION and KEYWORDS. It uses the contents of both when indexing documenys. It also uses the CONTENT value corresponding to DESCRIPTION as the abstract for the document when returning query results. (By default, AltaVista uses the first few words of a document as an abstract, which is often not very enlightening.) For some more information, consult the item The META tag: Controlling how your page is indexed in the online help of AltaVista itself.

Thus, it is recommendable to include META elements similar in form to those of the example above.

The META tag affects the way your document is indexed when it is included into a data base of a search engine. It will not make a robot find the document when it searches candidates for inclusion into a data base. Therefore, it you think the document is important, and especially if there are not several links to it in other documents, consider additionally using facilities like "Add URL" on the AltaVista main page.

For a more general discussion of taking search engines into account, see The Search Engine Tutorial for Web Designers.

The difference between NAME and HTTP-EQUIV is that the latter and has a special significance when documents are retrieved via HTTP. HTTP servers may use the property name specified by the HTTP-EQUIV attribute to create an RFC 822 style header in the HTTP response. (RFC 822 is the electronic mail protocol used on the Internet.) This can't be used to set certain HTTP headers though, see the HTTP specification for details. - For example,
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="Tue, 20 Aug 1996 14:25:27 GMT">
will result in the HTTP header
Expires: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 14:25:27 GMT
and this might be used by caches to determine when to fetch a fresh copy of the associated document.

If an organization enforces authors to include meta information such as authorship information and expiration dates in a specific format, special software might be written to scan through the WWW server periodically in order to send automatic reminders to authors.

OL - ordered (numbered) list


To present information in the form of an ordered (numbered) list.

Typical rendering

The list items are presented separately, although possibly with less space between them than there is eg between paragraphs. The presentation is often indented in a manner which causes nested lists to be indented according to their structure.

In contrast with the UL element, the items are numbered (consecutively by default).

Basic syntax

<LI> list item 1
<LI> list item 2

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
TYPE 1, a, A, i, I numbering style case of letter is significant
START integer starting sequence number default is 1
COMPACT COMPACT reduced interim spacing  

Attributes TYPE and START where not in HTML 2.0!

The meanings of the values of TYPE are the following:

TypeNumbering styleThe first few numbers
1normal (Arabic) numbers1, 2, 3, ...
aLatin letters in lowercasea, b, c, ...
ALatin letters in uppercaseA, B, C, ...
iRoman numbers in lowercasei, ii, iii, ...
IRoman numbers in uppercaseI, II, III, ...

Allowed context

Block container.


LI elements (one or more).


A simple example:

Example OL-1.html:

Proceed as follows:
<LI> Try to guess how to use the program.
<LI> If it fails, send lots of questions to Usenet News.
<LI> If they flame you, consider contacting local user support.
<LI> When everything else fails, read the manuals.
An example where it is natural to use Roman numbers:

Example OL-2.html:

The declinations of nouns in Latin are best distinguished by
the ending of the genetive singular:
<LI> <I>-ae</I>, eg <I>terra:terrae</I>
<LI> <I>-i</I>, eg <I>annus:anni</I>
<LI> <I>-is</I>, eg <I>labor:laboris</I>
<LI> <I>-us</I>, eg <I>fructus:fructus</I>
<LI> <I>-ei</I>, eg <I>dies:diei</I>.
A contrived example to show the effects of attributes and overriding them in LI elements.

Example OL-3.html:

<LI> first item
<LI> second item
<LI VALUE=8> item after skipping a few values
<LI> next item
<LI TYPE=A> going on with uppercase
<LI> this is the last item.     
See also Examples of various list elements in HTML.


See general notes about list elements for a discussion of selecting between them. It is natural to use an ordered list if the order of the items is relevant eg when they are instructions to be followed in that sequence, a description of events in their temporal order, or things in order of importance.

The sequence numbers of the items start from the value of the START attribute (by default 1). You can set it later on with the VALUE attribute on LI elements. Both of these attributes expect integer values. (Even if you have set the TYPE attribute to something else than 1, the values of the VALUE attribute must be specified using the normal notation of numbers as sequences of digits.) You can't indicate that numbering should be continued from a previous list or skip missing values without giving an explicit number.

The alignment of numbers is unspecified. In particular, Roman numbers might be left or right aligned or centered. (This is outside the control of the document author when using the OL element; you may wish to consider the alternative of using a table.)

OPTION - an option in a select menu


To present one option in a select menu within a form.

Typical rendering

When the enclosing select menu is activated, the user can see the text of the option, either as part of a list of such text or by scanning through the options.

Basic syntax


The end tag can always be omitted.

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
SELECTED SELECTED the option is selected by default in a SELECT element without the MULTIPLE attribute, at most one OPTION element may have this set
VALUE string property value to be used when submitting the contents of the form; this is combined with the property name as given by the NAME attribute of the enclosing SELECT element defaults to the contents of the element

Allowed context

SELECT element.


A string. Escape sequences are allowed, but no tags are recognized.



P - normal paragraph


To present a normal text paragraph.

Typical rendering

As a text paragraph, suitably separated (normally with some extra white space such as an empty line) from other paragraphs, headings etc. A browser might leavs some extra space at the beginning of the first line; most browsers don't.

Browsers usually format paragraphs to fit into the horizontal space (screen or window width) available.

Paragraphs are usually rendered flush left with a ragged right margin. The ALIGN attribute can be used to specify explicitly the horizontal alignment.

Basic syntax

<P>paragraph text</P>

Possible attributes (Not in HTML 2.0!)

attribute name possible values meaning
ALIGN LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT alignment of the paragraph

The default is left alignment, but this can be overridden by an enclosing DIV (or CENTER) element.

Allowed context

Block container.


Text elements.


A normal example:

Example P-1.html:

This is a normal text paragraph which contains so many characters
that it will most probably be split into several lines by a browser.
A contrived example:

Example P-2.html:

This is a normal text paragraph with no attribute for horizontal
alignment. Nothing special.
<B>This is a paragraph which should be centered. It should also appear
in bold face but this results from explicit use of a B element.
Centering itself should not affect the font.</B>
This is a paragraph which should be rendered flush right. It is difficult
to see why you would ever <EM>like</EM> to use this option!
See also the examples about BLOCKQUOTE, one of which makes reasonable use of ALIGN=RIGHT.


See the general discussion of paragraph-like elements for selecting a suitable HTML element for different kinds of paragraphs. In particular, if you have a collection of closely related small paragraphs, you may wish to consider making them into a list using UL and LI instead of P; this typically results in more compact presentation visually.

If you intend to use P for alignment purposes, remember that a P element may only contain text elements. The DIV element may contain block elements, too.

The end tag </P> can always be omitted, and it usually is omitted. This, however, may distort people's thoughts: they regard <P> as a paragraph separator, but in fact it initiates a paragraph (to be terminated by an explicit </P> or implicitly by tags like <P> or <H1>).

Paragraphs cannot be nested. (This is the other side of the "nice" feature that </P> can be omitted.) One way of simulating subparagraphs is to use BR elements around a piece of text within a P element. Another way is to use list elements (such as UL) instead of P elements.

The division into lines in the rendering usually does not match the HTML source. See the section Division into lines and the use of blanks and tabs.

PARAM - applet parameters (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To pass parameters to Java applets.

Typical rendering

Not rendered directly, but may affect the behavior of the applet.

Basic syntax

<PARAM NAME=name VALUE=value>

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
NAME name name of the parameter obligatory
VALUE string value of the parameter  

Allowed context

APPLET element,




<PARAM NAME=snd VALUE="Hello.au">


Character escape sequences such &eacute;, &quot; and &#185; are expanded before the parameter value is passed to the applet. To include an & character use &amp;.

PRE - preformatted text


To include text to be displayed as such with respect to the use of blanks and newlines. This can be useful when there is information available in text-only form and we wish to put it onto Web, preferring immediate availability to nice layout. The text might also be eg computer output to be presented as it stands.

Typical rendering

The text is rendered in monospaced font, ie using a teletype-like font where all characters occupy the same amount of space horizontally. Use of blanks and newlines exactly corresponds to that of the HTML source within the PRE element.

Basic syntax

preformatted text

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
WIDTH integer width of text in characters not yet supported in general

The value of WIDTH should be equal to or greater than the length of the longest line. In principle, the WIDTH attribute is meant for providing a browser information which it can use to select a suitably-sized font or to adjust indentation to make the text fit. Unfortunately this is not usually done by browsers, and you cannot even set the font size yourself, since font-changing elements are illegal within PRE. You should not expect that eg text wider than 80 characters gets displayed correctly (even if you use the WIDTH attribute).

Allowed context

Block container.


Any text element except images (IMG) and changes in font size (BIG, SMALL, SUB, SUP, FONT).


The simplest example:

Example PRE-1.html:

To be or not to be,
that is the question.
A more realistic example:

Example PRE-2.html:

The printable characters of ASCII:
  ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . /
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ?
@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ 
An attempt to present lineprinter-like computer output:

Example PRE-3.html:

The printout from the program is the following. Each line contains ten
real numbers, each in a field of ten characters. Notice that when viewing
this document on WWW, the rendering of the printout can be unsatisfactory;
in such a case widen the WWW window, if possible.
 0.5138707 0.1757256 0.3086337 0.5345317 0.9476302 0.1717277 0.7022309 0.2264168 0.4947661 0.1246986
 0.0838954 0.3896298 0.2772301 0.3680532 0.9834590 0.5353862 0.7656789 0.6464736 0.7671438 0.7802362
 0.8229621 0.1519211 0.6254769 0.3146764 0.3469039 0.9172033 0.5197607 0.4011658 0.6067690 0.7854244
An example of PRE element containing links:

Example PRE-4.html:

Contact information (phone and E-mail):
help desk     4344 <A HREF="mailto:atk-neuvonta@hut.fi">atk-neuvonta@hut.fi</A>
operators     4341 <A HREF="mailto:opr@hut.fi">opr@hut.fi</A>
WWW problems  4331 <A HREF="mailto:webmaster@hut.fi">webmaster@hut.fi</A>

The discussion of presenting interaction with computer contains an additional example with embedded text markup.


As an alternative to using PRE, consider using a normal paragraph so that every line is terminated with a BR element. This has the disadvantages of not preventing a browser from dividing lines (but if a browser splits lines, they are probably so long that a PRE element might cause problems too) and not preserving leading spaces or multiple spaces within a line. On the other hand it has the advantage of more flexibility, eg allowing the use of any font.

As another alternative, often suitable for large pieces of text or data, consider writing a separate text file to which you have a link in your HTML code.

Previous versions of HTML contained the XMP, LISTING, and PLAINTEXT elements. They are now deprecated (obsolete), and PRE should be used instead.

One typical use for PRE has been to present tables, and this may still be a good idea in some cases (see example 1). However, the TABLE element can be used for much more advanced tabular presentation. (You might still consider the possibility of presenting your tables in two alternative forms, using TABLE is the basic form but providing a PRE form for those readers who use a non-table browser.)

Although A elements and phrase markup (eg STRONG) can be used, the capabilities of a browser in presenting them may be more restricted than outside PRE elements. See also notes on presenting interaction with computer

You can even use tabs in the preformatted text, although it is better to use multiple spaces, since you cannot be sure of how tab stops are set in the reader's environment. The language specification says that the tab character should position to the next 8 character boundary but discourages its use.

Although a browser must show the document so that line breaks correspond to those in the source code, a browser is not forbidden from using eg constant left indentation for preformatted paragraphs.

In principle, a P tag is not allowed within a PRE element, since P is block element, not text element. However, HTML 2.0 specification encourages browsers to accept it, with the remark a P within a PRE element should produce only one line break, not a line break plus a blank line.

If character < or > or & occurs in the data, it must be expressed using the escape syntax (as in example 2). In particular you must do so when including HTML code into your document for the purpose of displaying the source code.

The SGML standard requires that the parser remove a newline immediately following the start tag or immediately preceding the end tag. Thus it does not matter whether you have the <PRE> tag on a separate line or as a prefix to the first line of the text.

SAMP - sample output


To present sample output from programs, commands, scripts etc.

Typical rendering

Monospaced. See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example SAMP-1.html:

The fatal error message <SAMP>Bus error - core dumped</SAMP> can be caused
by very different bugs in your program.


As usual in HTML, division into lines and the use of blanks and tabs is selected by the browser, not honoring the one in the HTML file. Thus, large pieces of output are more suitably presented using the PRE element or as separate text files to which you have links in HTML files.

See also notes on presenting interaction with computer and general remarks on phrase elements.

SCRIPT - reserved for future use (Not in HTML 2.0!)


Reserved for future use with scripting languages.

Typical rendering

None. User agents should hide the contents of SCRIPT elements.

Basic syntax

<SCRIPT>script statements</SCRIPT>

Possible attributes


Allowed context

The head section.


Script statements. The syntax and semantics is to be defined separately.

Technically, these elements are defined with CDATA as the content type. As a result they may contain only SGML characters. All markup characters or delimiters are ignored and passed as data to the application, except for the character pair </ followed immediately by a letter (a - z, A - Z), This means that the end tag of the element (or of an element in which it is nested) is recognized.


Since there is no semantics defined for the SCRIPT element in HTML 3.2, no meaningful example can be given.


The SCRIPT element is just a place holder for the introduction of support for scripting languages in future versions of HTML.

SELECT - menu in a form


To specify, within a form, a menu from which the user can select one or more alternatives.

Typical rendering

A selection menu which can be "activated" in some browser-dependent way; in a typical graphical browser this means a pull-down menu. Depending on the browser, all alternatives may be visible at the same time or the user may need to scan through the list one at a time.

Basic syntax

OPTION elements

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
NAME string a property name that is used to identify the menu choice when the form is submitted to the server obligatory; each selected option results in a name/value pair being included as part of the contents of the form
SIZE integer sets the number of visible choices applicable then MULTIPLE is set
MULTIPLE MULTIPLE signifies that the user can make multiple selections from the menu by default only one selection is allowed

Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. However, the text container must appear within a FORM element.


OPTION elements.



    <SELECT NAME="flavor">
    <OPTION VALUE=a>Vanilla
    <OPTION VALUE=b>Strawberry
    <OPTION VALUE=c>Rum and Raisin
    <OPTION VALUE=d>Peach and Orange


See the discussion of forms in general.

As an alternative to SELECT, you may wish to consider using an INPUT element with TYPE=CHECKBOX or TYPE=RADIO, typically resulting in a rendering which allows the user see all alternatives at a glance.

SMALL - small font (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To present text in a small font, eg in order to indicate it as less important.

Typical rendering

Smaller than normal font. See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example SMALL-1.html:

This is normal text.
This text will be presented in a smaller font, if possible.


As mentioned in the discussion of phrase elements, there is no logical markup for de-emphasis. The SMALL element, despite being physical markup, might conceivably be used for the purpose.

It is unspecified what happens if SMALL elements are nested; it might or might not result in using a font which is larger than you get with a single SMALL.

The FONT element may provide more alternatives for specifying different font sizes.

Notice that people may set the normal text font in their browser to something which is just big enough for them to read. If you use SMALL, the result might be illegibly small.

See general notes on text markup, which provide additional examples.

STRIKE - strike-through text (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To present strike-through text.

Typical rendering

Strike-through, ie with a line through the middle of the text. See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example STRIKE-1.html:

Compare <STRIKE>strike-through text</STRIKE> with normal text.


It is not obvious what STRIKE is intended for. It might conceivably be used to present text segments which belong to the original version of a text but have been deleted later.

See general notes on text markup, which provide additional examples.

The HTML 2.0 specification does not include STRIKE but mentions it as an element which has been "deployed to some extent".

The HTML 3.2 Reference Specification warns that 'STRIKE may be phased out in favor of the more concise "S" tag from HTML 3.0'.

STRONG - strong emphasis


To emphasize strongly.

Typical rendering

In boldface. If this is impossible, a browser might use eg underlining (Lynx does so). See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example STRONG-1.html:

For your own safety,
<STRONG>turn the power off before opening the device.</STRONG>


Avoid emphasizing too much; emphasizing everything is tantamount no not emphasizing anything.

The STRONG element involves stronger emphasis than the EM element.

See also general remarks on phrase elements.

STYLE - style sheets (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To specify a style sheet to be used when rendering the document.

Typical rendering

Style sheets, if supported by a browser, can affect the rendering in a multitude of ways. On the other hand, the contents of a STYLE element consists of instructions for rendering and should not be displayed by the browser.

Basic syntax

<STYLE>style info</STYLE>

Possible attributes


Allowed context

The head section.


Style information. The syntax and semantics is to be defined separately.

Technically, these elements are defined with CDATA as the content type. As a result they may contain only SGML characters. All markup characters or delimiters are ignored and passed as data to the application, except for the character pair </ followed immediately by a letter (a - z, A - Z), This means that the end tag of the element (or of an element in which it is nested) is recognized.

It is legal, and recommendable, to use the HTML comment delimiters <!-- and --> around the contents of a STYLE element. The reason is that by doing so you ensure that old browsers (ignorant of STYLE) will not display the contents.


This example uses a very simple style sheet according to CSS1 (see below), to specify that some sans-serif font be used when rendering the document, except for U elements, which are to be rendered in a serif font (in addition to being underlined).

Example STYLE-1.html:

BODY { font-family: sans-serif }
U    { font-family: serif }
Sample text 1.<BR>
<U>Sample text 2.</U>


According to the HTML 3.2 Reference Specification, the STYLE element is just a place holder for the introduction of style sheets in future versions of HTML.

The basic idea of style sheets is to provide tools for specifying features of the visible (or audible) representation of HTML documents without introducing new HTML elements and tags for the purpose. The presentation style is specified in a manner which allows several style specifications (by the author and by users, as well as browser defaults) to be taken into account when rendering a document. This will allow control over indentation, colors, fonts, etc in a sophisticated manner.

Almost at the same time as the HTML 3.2 Reference Specification was accepted as a W3C Recommendation, a recommendation with similar status was accepted concerning style sheets: Cascading Style Sheets, level 1, abbreviated CSS1. The two recommendations are, however, separate in the sense that the combination of style sheet specifications with HTML documents has not been defined exactly. In particular, CSS1 mentions the ID and CLASS attributes for selecting specific pieces of text, but these attributes are not in 3.2. The same applies to attributes of STYLE element.

There can be many ways to link style sheets to HTML. Some of the ways involve a STYLE element, others a LINK element, and still others some other mechanism.

An HTML 3.2 conforming browser need not support style sheets in any way (except by recognizing the STYLE element and hiding its contents). However, there is increasing support for CSS1 in browsers.

SUB - subscript (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To present subscripts, which are typically indexes attached to variables.

Typical rendering

Slightly below the normal text level, often so that it the text is vertically centered with respect to normal text baseline, and possibly in smaller font. See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example SUB-1.html:

Let us form the sum of all x<SUB>i</SUB>'s, ie
x<SUB>1</SUB> + x<SUB>2</SUB> + ... + x<SUB>n</SUB>.


There is also a tag for superscripts, SUP, but HTML 3.2 provides no general support for mathematical formulas.

Since this tag is new, support for it is not universal. Some browsers simply ignore it, displaying eg a<SUB>1</SUB> as a1. And naturally, text-only browsers cannot truely support SUB.

Subscripts can be nested. This may, however, result eg in rendering inner superscripts in a very small font. Internet Explorer ignores SUB tags after nesting level of two.

See also general notes on text markup.

SUP - superscript (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To present superscripts, which might be exponents in expressions or indexes attached to variables.

Typical rendering

Slightly above the normal text level and possibly in smaller font. See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example SUP-1.html:

The notation A<SUP>T</SUP> denotes the transpose of A.

Example SUP-2.html:

Consider the equation
x<SUP>n</SUP> + y<SUP>n</SUP> = z<SUP>n</SUP>.

Example SUP-3.html:

The expression a<SUP>b<SUP>c</SUP></SUP>
means a<SUP>(b<SUP>c</SUP>)</SUP>.

Example SUP-4.html:

This example is a text paragraph which contains several
superscripted expressions such as m<SUP>2</SUP> and e<SUP>x</SUP>.
They may affect the visual appearance of the paragraph by
forcing the browser to use different line heighths. This
applies in particular to expressions with large and nested
superscripts such as (f(a))<SUP>e<SUP>x<SUP>2y</SUP></SUP></SUP>.


Digit 1, 2, or 3 as a superscript is representable in another way, too, since the ISO Latin 1 character set contains characters for them. Example: m² or, using character escape, m&sup2;.

There is also a tag for subscripts, SUB, but HTML 3.2 provides no general support for mathematical formulas.

Since this tag is new, support for it is not universal. Some browsers simply ignore it, displaying eg a<SUP>T</SUP> as aT. And naturally, text-only browsers cannot truely support SUP.

Superscripts can be nested, as the last example shows. This may, however, result eg in rendering inner superscripts in a very small font. Internet Explorer ignores SUP tags after nesting level of two.

See also general notes on text markup.

TABLE - tables (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To present information which logically forms a table, ie a matrix-like structure.

Typical rendering

More or less tabular but by default with no surrounding border. When a border is requested (with the BORDER attribute), a common approach, introduced by Netscape, renders tables in bas-relief, raised up with the outer border as a bevel, and individual cells inset into this raised surface. Borders around individual cells are only drawn if the cell has explicit content. White space doesn't count for this purpose with the exception of &nbsp;.

A table is generally sized automatically by a browser to fit the contents, but you can also set the table width using the WIDTH attribute.

Basic syntax

rows of the table (TR elements)

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
ALIGN LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT horizontal alignment of the entire table default is LEFT, but this can be overriden by an enclosing DIV or CENTER element
WIDTH width specification width of the entire table by default, width is determined by a browser to fit the contents
BORDER integer width of the frame, in pixels value of 0 (default) means no border; some browsers also accept plain BORDER with the same meaning as BORDER=1
CELLSPACING integer spacing between cells, in pixels see note below
CELLPADDING integer spacing (padding), in pixels, between the contents of a cell and the border around a cell.  

Typically the BORDER attribute (with nonzero value) sets the default value of CELLSPACING to 1. This means that by setting a border for the entire table you also set borders of one pixel for the individual cells.

In traditional desktop publishing software, adjacent table cells share a common border. This is not the case in HTML. Each cell is given its own border which is separated from the borders around neighboring cells. This separation can be set in pixels using the CELLSPACING attribute (eg CELLSPACING=10). The same value also determines the separation between the table border and the borders of the outermost cells.

Allowed context

Block container.


One or more TR elements, optionally preceded by a CAPTION element.


A basic example:

Example TABLE-1.html:

<CAPTION>Areas of the Nordic countries, in sq km</CAPTION>
<TR><TH>Country</TH> <TH>Total area</TH> <TH>Land area</TH>
<TR><TH>Denmark</TH> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 43,070 </TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 42,370</TR>
<TR><TH>Finland</TH> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>337,030 </TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>305,470</TR>
<TR><TH>Iceland</TH> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>103,000 </TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>100,250</TR>
<TR><TH>Norway</TH>  <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>324,220 </TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>307,860</TR>
<TR><TH>Sweden</TH>  <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>449,964 </TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>410,928</TR>
An example of control over presentation style:

Example TABLE-2.html:

<CAPTION>The Nordic countries</CAPTION>
<TR><TD>Denmark</TD> <TD>Finland </TD> <TD>Iceland </TD>
    <TD>Norway </TD> <TD>Sweden </TD> </TR>


See the discussion of tables, which contains additional examples, too.

Tables can be nested. However, nested tables (and large tables in general) can be confusing, and there are implementation deficiencies involved. If you have a large collection of material which might be presented as a structure of nested tables, give some thought to the question whether it is useful (to your readers) that you do so. Often it pays off to present the material first as a compact overview table, then to accompany it with tables containing details about each part.

When there is normal text before or after a table, it is advisable to end the preceding paragraph with an explicit </P> tag and to begin the following paragraph with an explicit <P> tag. Otherwise the browser (eg Netscape) may not render the table with suitable empty vertical space around it.

Be careful. If numbers of cells in different rows do not match (taking ROWSPAN attributes into account), the result is most probably a total mess.

The default alignments are often unsuitable, especially for numerical tables. Unfortunately there is no way for specifying the default alignment for table cells, except rowwise in the TR element; notice that the ALIGN attribute of a TABLE element specifies the alignment of the entire table and does not affect the default alignments for cells.

TD - table data (cell) (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To present a data cell in a table.

Typical rendering

A data cell in a table, typically presented using the normal text font (although a browser might conceivably decide to use a smaller font). By default, the data is aligned to the left within the space allocated for the cell by the browser.

Basic syntax


In principle, the end tag </TD> can always be omitted. This is not recommendable, since some browsers (including Netscape) may act incorrectly when the end tag is omitted.

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
NOWRAP NOWRAP suppress word wrap equivalent to using non-breaking spaces, &nbsp;, instead of normal spaces within the contents of the cell
ROWSPAN integer number of rows spanned by the cell default is 1
COLSPAN integer number of columns spanned by the cell default is 1
ALIGN LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT horizontal alignment of data in the cell default is LEFT or the ALIGN attribute in an enclosing TR element
VALIGN TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, BASELINE vertical alignment of data in the cell overrides a VALIGN attribute in an enclosing TR element
WIDTH integer suggested width of the cell, in pixels the browser should use the value unless it conflicts with the width requirements for other cells in the same column
HEIGHT integer suggested height of the cell, in pixels the browser should use the value unless it conflicts with the height requirements for other cells in the same row

Allowed context

TR element.


Headings, text elements, block elements, and ADDRESS elements.




See the discussion of tables, which contains additional examples, too.

The TD and TH elements are very similar; in particular, they have the same attributes. The TD element is for data in a table whereas the TH element is for headings of columns or rows in a table. The visible differences are:

It is sometimes a matter of taste whether you use TD or TH especially as regards to the first column (ie first element of each row).

TEXTAREA - multi-line text input in a form


To specify, within a form, an area for multi-line user input.

Typical rendering

An input area which appears as a separate box, possibly having a distinct background color, and usually with some kind of scroll bars for both vertical and horizontal direction. The area is initialized with the contents of the TEXTAREA element, using monospaced font.

Basic syntax

initial text

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
NAME string a property name that is used to identify the textarea field when the form is submitted to the server obligatory
ROWS integer number of visible text lines obligatory
COLS integer number of visible width of text, in average character widths obligatory

A browser should not interpret the ROWS and COLS attributes restrict the size of the actual input. This means that the browser should provide some means to scroll through the contents of the textarea field when the contents extend the visible area.

A browser may wrap visible text lines to keep long input lines visible without need for scrolling.

Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. However, the text container must appear within a FORM element.


A string. Escape sequences are allowed, but no tags are recognized.

The contents is used to initialize the text that is shown in the input field when the document is first loaded.


    <TEXTAREA NAME=address ROWS=4 COLS=40>
    Your address here ...


See the discussion of forms in general.

For single-line input fields you can use an INPUT element with TYPE=TEXT.

It is recommended that user agents canonicalize line endings to CR, LF (ASCII decimal 13, 10) when submitting the contents of the field. The character set for submitted data should be ISO Latin 1, unless the server has previously indicated that it can support alternative character sets.

TH - table heading (cell) (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To present, within a table, a cell which acts as a (row or column) heading.

Typical rendering

A cell in a table, typically presented using some more prominent font such as boldface. By default, the data is centered within the space allocated for the cell by the browser.

Basic syntax


In principle, the end tag </TH> can always be omitted. This is not recommendable, since some browsers (including Netscape) may act incorrectly when the end tag is omitted.

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
NOWRAP NOWRAP suppress word wrap equivalent to using non-breaking spaces, &nbsp;, instead of normal spaces within the contents of the cell
ROWSPAN integer number of rows spanned by the cell default is 1
COLSPAN integer number of columns spanned by the cell default is 1
ALIGN LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT horizontal alignment of data in the cell default is CENTER or the ALIGN attribute in an enclosing TR element
VALIGN TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, BASELINE vertical alignment of data in the cell overrides a VALIGN attribute in an enclosing TR element
WIDTH integer suggested width of the cell, in pixels the browser should use the value unless it conflicts with the width requirements for other cells in the same column
HEIGHT integer suggested height of the cell, in pixels the browser should use the value unless it conflicts with the height requirements for other cells in the same row

Allowed context

TR element.


Headings, text elements, block elements, and ADDRESS elements.




See the discussion of tables, which contains additional examples, too.

The TD and TH elements are very similar; in particular, they have the same attributes. The TD element is for data in a table whereas the TH element is for headings of columns or rows in a table. The visible differences are:

It is sometimes a matter of taste whether you use TD or TH especially as regards to the first column (ie first element of each row).

TITLE - "external" title


To define the (obligatory) "external" title for the document.

Typical rendering

The title is not displayed as part of the document itself but can stand for or be attached to the document in several contexts. The title can be displayed in a user agent's window caption, search result lists returned by search engines, hotlists defined by users, history lists etc.

Basic syntax

<TITLE>character sequence</TITLE>

Possible attributes


Allowed context

The head element, in which exactly one TITLE element must appear.


Character sequence. Within it, character entities such as &lt; (for <) and &auml; (for ä) are interpreted. No HTML tags are allowed in a title. Therefore, you cannot use different fonts or emphasis in it.


<TITLE>A study of population dynamics</TITLE>


It is important to write a good title especially because search result lists returned by search engines may use the title. For the same reason the title should be descriptive (and appetizing!) even out of context, ie when it is the only information available about the document. Avoid titles like Introduction.

On the other hand, the title should be relatively short to fit into one line under all reasonable circumstances. The HTML 2.0 specification says that long titles may be truncated and that titles should be at most 63 characters in length.

See also general notes about the head section.

Use the H1 or some other heading element to specify the main heading to be displayed as part of the document. Using such a heading at the beginning of a document and using a TITLE element are not alternatives but serve different purposes; both are strongly recommended. The title text and the main heading text may well be identical, but of course they need not.

TR - table row (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To present a row in a table.

Typical rendering

A single row in a table.

Basic syntax

<TR>heading cells (TH elements) and data cells (TD elements)</TR>

In principle, the end tag </TR> can always be omitted. This is not recommendable, since some browsers (including Netscape) may act incorrectly when the end tag is omitted.

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
ALIGN LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT default horizontal alignment in cells can be overridden by ALIGN attributes in TH and TD elements
VALIGN TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, BASELINE default vertical alignment in cells can be overridden by VALIGN attributes in TH and TD elements

Allowed context

TABLE element.


TH elements and TD elements.


<TR><TD>3.70 <TD>4.69 <TD>8.02 </TR>


See the discussion of tables, which contains additional examples, too.

TT - teletype (monospaced) text


To present text in a monospaced font.

Typical rendering

Monospaced font. See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example TT-1.html:

Compare <TT>monospaced font</TT> with normal font.


Avoid using TT; use logical markup instead, eg CODE or SAMP.

See general notes on text markup, which provide additional examples.

U - underline (Not in HTML 2.0!)


To underline text.

Typical rendering

Underlined. However, eg Netscape uses normal text (assumably because its authors think underlining would cause confusion with hyperlinks). See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example U-1.html:

Compare <U>underlined text</U> with normal text.


Avoid using U; use logical markup instead. In particular, for emphasis use EM or STRONG.

The HTML 2.0 specification does not include U but mentions it as an element which has been "deployed to some extent".

See general notes on text markup, which provide additional examples.

UL - unnumbered list


To present information in a list form (without numbering the items).

Typical rendering

A bulleted list. The list items are presented separately, although possibly with less space between them than there is eg between paragraphs. The presentation is often indented in a manner which causes nested lists to be indented according to their structure.

Basic syntax

<LI> list item 1
<LI> list item 2

Possible attributes

attribute name possible values meaning notes
TYPE DISC, SQUARE, CIRCLE default bullet style for items Not in HTML 2.0!
COMPACT COMPACT reduced interim spacing

The default value of bullet type generally depends on the level of nesting (various) lists.

Allowed context

Block container.


LI elements (one or more).


A simple example:

Example UL-1.html:

Remember to buy
<LI> milk
<LI> bread
<LI> apples.
A contrived example to show what the bullets may look like. Notice that TYPE attribute in a LI element overrides that of an enclosing UL element.

Example UL-2.html:

<LI> disc
See also Examples of various list elements in HTML.


See general notes about list elements for a discussion of selecting between them.

An UL element must contain at least one LI element. Some people and some HTML editors may generate UL elements with just text within, possibly even nesting UL elements just in the hope of getting different amounts of indentation. If you have to resort to such tricks, enclose the text into an LI element (although this will usually cause a bullet in the display) and this in turn into UL. (Style sheets will provide mechanisms for controlling indentation.)

VAR - variables


To indicate that a piece of text (typically, a word) is a variable, ie a generic notation to be replaced by different actual expressions.

Typical rendering

In italics. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer (IE) renders VAR using monospaced font. (Since new versions of IE support style sheets, you may therefore wish to include a style rule like VAR { font-style : italic }.) See general notes on rendering markup.

Basic syntax


Possible attributes


Allowed context

Text container, ie any element that may contain text elements. This includes most HTML elements. In particular, text elements can be nested.


Text elements. Notice that this disallows eg paragraph breaks.


Example VAR-1.html:

In the simplest case, the command for deleting a file in Unix is<BR>
<KBD>rm</KBD> <VAR>filename</VAR>


See notes on presenting interaction with computer and general remarks on phrase elements.